Page 13 - BR May 2023
P. 13

May 2023                              May 2023

 We then see the celebrations carry on into Sunday. After the church service there
 will be a coronation street party outside the village hall at 3pm. There will be a
 few  changes  from  the  jubilee  celebrations  last  year  with  the  layout  and
 proceedings.  The  tables  and  chairs  will  all  be  laid  out  for  you  and  the  area
 decorated. Please bring your own picnic with you, tea coffee and squash will be
 At  great  expense  the  Throopettes  have  re-formed  to  bring  you  musical
 entertainment through the afternoon and as we move into the evening with more
 music  and  dancing  there  will  be  an  opportunity  to  BBQ.  Please  bring  with  you
 whatever  you  would  like  to  put  on  the  BBQ.  There  will  be  facilities  provided  to
 keep your food cool until the evening in the hall fridge and a large chilled box, so
 you don't need to go home to get it and our BBQ chefs will be on hand to cook
 your items for you. Much the same system as we operated at the evening of the
 lighting  of  the  beacon  in  Throop  for  the  jubilee  celebrations.  Fried  onions  and
 condiments will be provided.
 Should the weather be similar to that that welcomed a newly crowned queen 70
 years  ago  then  we  will  move  inside  the  hall  and  carry  on  the  celebrations  but
 hopefully  we  will  see  a  balmy  May  afternoon  and  evening  allowing  the
 celebrations to go on into the night.
 The  road  closure  as  before  will  be  in  operation  from  12  midday  to  12  midnight
 although this time round we are altering the closure points very slightly to make
 access to the houses behind the ring even easier than before. We do hope to see
 as many of you as possible over the weekend so we can party as only we know
 how to.
 Can I also take this opportunity to remind everyone that our AGM will be on the
 24th of this month. At the meeting reports of the last year will be given and the full
 committees  tenure  comes  to  an  end  and  a  new  committee  is  elected.  Please
 give  careful  consideration  as  to  whether  you  might  be  prepared  to  put  your
 name forward. There is much to consider moving forward not least of all how we
 make our hall as environmentally friendly as possible so now is the time if you've
 been considering getting involved to put your name forward.
                   ANNUAL  PAROCHIAL  CHURCH
 Throughout the rest of May all the usual activities will continue and details of these
 can be found on the notice boards and the community website as usual. I would   MEETING
 also  like  to  take  this  opportunity  of  congratulating  one  of  our  key  hirers,  "the
 community group" on their achievement in reaching ten years of Saturday coffee   FRIDAY  19  MAY  2023 at  2PM
 shop.  Having  run  a  coffee  shop  through  part  of  covid,  when  regulations
 permitted,  I  know  only  too  well  the  time  energy  and  commitment  this  requires.   in St Laurence Church, Affpuddle
 Congratulations and thank you!
                           ALL VERY  WELCOME
 Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees
 Contact details:  Email   Mobile 07818078191

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