Page 23 - BR May 2023
P. 23

May 2023                              May 2023

 orange as the sun slowly rises over the hill. By the time the sun rises fully the mist will   ‘main towns’ to supporting households in areas that aren’t able to charge electric
 be vanishing to reveal the village in the valley below, another day begins and the   vehicles  at  their  homes.  The  plans,  which  will  play  a  key  part  in  preparing  the
 daylight dwellers emerge.   county for the government’s 2050 net-zero target, will see as many as 200 electric
       vehicle  charge  points  installed  in  communities  across  the  Dorset  Council  area
 The distant tawny owl again jolts me from memories of a thousand misty sunrises,   over the next three years.
 that is nearly three hours away yet. I leave the bench and make my way down
 through  the  plantation,  the  ever  present  sika  walking  with  me  through  the   Funding for the new charge points will mostly come from the government’s local
 shadowy  young  trees  to  my  right.  It  is  still  and  silent,  just  my  frost  crunching   electric  vehicle  infrastructure  (LEVI)  scheme  and  Mer,  a  European  EV  charging
 footsteps  and  the  gentle  sound  of  hooves  betraying  the  tracking  sika  in  the   company, with additional contributions from the council. If your community could
 shadows.  No  road  noise  at  this  hour,  the   A35  delightfully  silent.    benefit from a ChargePoint, you can suggest possible locations by submitting an
 Emerging from the plantation I rejoin Dark Lane at the foot of the hill. Putting off   online form on our website or by contacting your local town or parish council.
 returning as long as possible I do not carry on to Shitterton but bear right into the
 South  plantation.  With  its  wide  open  grassy  pathways  the  frost  is  heaviest  here.
 The temperature is well below freezing and everything is white. The young trees   School attendance strategy.
 are as white as the grass in the moonlight, sparkling with encrusted ice so heavy is   The new strategy, which will be implemented during this year and next, sets out to
 the frost.
       achieve the best attendance and raise the hopes and ambitions of our children
 Walking through that South plantation then crossing the ancient holloway into the   and young people through a community partnership approach. The vision for the
 final  plantation  to  home  is  Winters  nocturnal  scenery  at  its  finest.  The  bright   new strategy is “attendance is everyone’s business” and will be achieved by the
 moonlight on the frosty grass and ice covered trees makes everything sparkle like   community  working  closely  and  positively  together,  and  with  everybody  taking
 millions of cut diamonds have been scattered from above. These diamonds are   responsibility to support children to be safe in school. Everybody in the community
 more exclusive though, they belong to the nocturnal world and its inhabitants. By   will be able to be involved in making the strategy work, from school staff, parents
 dawn they will be gone, just a memory to cherish of what is unseen by many and   and carers to local shop owners and GP surgeries.
 unattainable for any amount of money.
       After  thorough  consultation  the  attendance  strategy  has  identified  five  key
 I am now back where I started, leaning on Jubilee Bridge looking down into the   priority action areas of work which are:
 whispering  silver  stream  on  its  relentless  journey  to  the  sea  that  will  continue  as
 long as water rises from the chalk.....      Consistent Dorset-wide policy and practice

 Simon Goddard.      Knowledge sharing and communication
 Footnote:      Early identification and targeted intervention
 I  hope  readers  have  enjoyed  this  nocturnal  trip  into  nature  with  a  little  added
 imagination.  This  walk  was  at  the  time  of  Decembers  full  moon.  Known  as  the      Consistent approach to transition (moving to a new school)
 C o l d    M o o n    i t    c o u l d    n o t    h a v e    b e e n    m o r e    a p t .
 It was a red letter night when everything came together. A full moon, totally clear      Transport
 sky,  no  wind  and  freezing  temperatures  made  for  great  visibility  and  hearing
 ability. So often I wait all month for the full moon phase and it is spoilt by cloud
 cover. I still go and it is perfectly light enough to walk, but without unhampered   Contacting Us
 moonlight it is hard to actually see the wildlife so it becomes all about hearing.   We are always available to our residents. Our contact details are below and we
 We are lucky with what we have on our doorstep.  From Black Hill to the Piddle   are happy to meet in person, over zoom or to discuss your concern on the phone.
 valley, to the open spaces of Bere Down with its stunning views, to walking up the   Peter’s  email  address  is  telephone  07986  600799  and
 valley  and  the  old  Roman  road  to  Weatherby  Castle  and  its  Iron  Age  and   Laura’s is  telephone 07814 569563
 medieval settlement history are just three of my favourite nocturnal destinations.
 If it has inspired you to try it be aware it is addictive. Just like The Lion, the Witch   Peter Wharf & Laura Beddow, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
 and  the  Wardrobe  once  you  have  passed  through  into  the  Narnia  on  your
 doorstep your life will revolve around returning.....

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