Page 14 - BR May 2023
P. 14

May 2023                                                                             May 2023

       FROM THE AFFPUDDLE CHURCHWARDEN                                                      risking putting on a sub standard event that may well deter people from outside
                                                                                            our  parish  from  attending  future  open  gardens,  having  a  long  term  negative
                                                                                            effect on our ability to raise substantial funds for the village hall going forward. So
                                                                                            a huge apology to all of you who have already set to in preparing your gardens
       If the cap fits …                                                                    for the event and also a plea to keep faith with us as we look to 2024 to give our
       The  expression  “if  the  cap  fits,  wear  it”  is  generally  used  as  a  criticism.  But  it   full attention to a really successful open gardens. Anyone wishing to get involved
       doesn’t have to be critical, it can merely be an observation that if someone is in a   and  be  a  part  of  organising  this  for  2024  would  be  very  welcome  and  we  are
       position,  or  observed  to  be  of  a  behaviour  or  appearance,  then  they  should   looking to organise a steering group to start the process in the summer this year so
       adopt and continue in that way. It is very common for folk to opt for resignation if   that everything is good to go for next year. Please let me know if you would like to
       the job they have been given turns out to be rather difficult. Perhaps they don’t    be a part of this.
       know how to do it or don’t have the enthusiasm                                       This means we can also focus on the coronation of King Charles 111. The parish
       to do the job the way everyone expects.                                              council has again agreed to fund the provision of a coronation mug, thank you,
       However, one may consider adjusting the cap                                          for each young person under the age of 18 who either lives in the parish or has a
       so  that  it  does  fit.  Our  King,  Charles  III,  had  a                          strong connection with supporting the parish, maybe they don't live here but are
       “fitting” for the crown. It is made of gold, houses                                  involved  in  the  village  shop  for  instance.  There  will  also  be  a  limited  number  of
       a  lot  of  stones,  and  is  rather  heavy.    It  is                               mugs  available  to  purchase  for    those  of  us  who  are  no  longer  able  to  claim
       important  that  it  fits  comfortably.    So  Charles                               under 18 status. These will be available to purchase on the Saturday and Sunday
       has adjusted the crown, which I am suggesting                                        of the coronation weekend in the village hall.
       as a metaphor for altering the job, as king.                                         Along  with  the  concert  in  the  week  preceding  the  coronation  and  the  service
       There  are  many  modern  democratic  counties                                       that the church are organising the coronation itself will be broadcast in the village
       with  a  monarch  (Alexa  says  29  –  Charles  is                                   hall from first thing on the Saturday morning through to the return to Buckingham
       monarch of 15 of them). The rôle of monarch is                                       palace and the scenes of the newly crowned monarch on the palace balcony
       difficult to fulfil in these democratic countries.                                   supported by the working members  of his family. We are calling this event "the
                                                                                            kings breakfast" and all of you are welcome to attend. The hall will be set up in a
       So how can he “wear it”? There are many areas where the monarch, rather than         relaxed cafe style setting with breakfast from toast through to continental and full
       the prime minister, is in authority. What we have seen so far is that King Charles is   English being served at as lower a price as we can possibly make it. There will be
       doing  rather  well.  Some  commentators    were  not  optimistic  but  we  have  seen,   teas and coffee and cake towards the end of proceedings.
       not only Charles, but Camilla, Queen Consort, doing a rather splendid job.
                                                                                            Even  if  you  do  not  wish  to  partake  of  breakfast  please  come  along  and
       I don’t know about you but I have often considered giving up or resigning. I am      experience the sense of a community coming together to see our king crowned.
       reminded of Christ’s prayer on the Mount of Olives “Father, if you are willing, take   It may not hold quite the rose tinted charm of gathering around brand new black
       this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). Many of you      and white televisions in those houses that had purchased one specifically for the
       reading this article may not have a regular time of prayer but may have a task       purpose of watching the late queen’s
       which has a particular cap of office which is giving you a challenge.  Well think    coronation  70  years  ago  but  we  will
       about how the job could be done, about what way the job may be changed,              be  doing  our  best  to  recreate
       about how someone else could do the job, about how you could do the job. Talk        something  of  that  community  spirit
       about it.                                                                            and  sense  of  excitement.  Watch  the
                                                                                            king and queen smile on their way the
       Make suggestions, listen to suggestions, and get on with it.
                                                                                            to  the  abbey  in  an  air  conditioned
                                                                   Mike Menzies             well  sprung  carriage  and  see  if  you
                   Church Warden, Lay Worship Leader, St Laurence Church, Affpuddle         can  spot  a  grimace  on  the  return
                                                                                            journey  in  the  golden  state  carriage
                                                                                            supported  on  leather  straps  for
                                                                                            traditional suspension.

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