Page 22 - BR May 2023
P. 22

May 2023                                                                             May 2023

       Second Homes Council Tax                                                             LOCAL HEROES
       Dorset  Councillors  have  been                                                      A new series with interviews from Janey Gordon
       discussing  proposals  for  council  tax
       premiums  on  second  homes  and
       empty  properties,  in  anticipation  of
       the new flexibilities for councils in the                                            In Bere Regis there are a number of people who give their time and energies to
       forthcoming  Levelling  Up  and                                                      support  and  enrich  the  local  community  and  individuals  who  live  here.  They
       Regeneration Bill. At that time, it was                                              contribute freely to the village and are our ‘Local Heroes’.
       hoped  that  the  Bill  would  receive                                               The parish magazine is running a short series about some of these people to find
       Royal  Assent  by  1  April  2023.                                                   out a little more about them, how they came to live in the village, what they do
       Councillors  were  due  to  vote  on                                                 for it and, also, their own personal interests.
       proposals  at  a  rescheduled  Full
       Council meeting on 30 March in order for the change to be introduced from April
       2024, as the council was required to make the decision a year in advance.
                                                                                            It was suggested that I spoke to Pip Evans. I wondered how he came to live in the
       However, we now understand from government that there is no likelihood of the        village?
       Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill becoming law before the end of March and
       therefore  a  decision  on  this  matter  could  not  be  taken  by  Full  Council  on  30   Janey: Pip, have you always lived in Bere Regis?
       March as planned.  The proposal to introduce council tax premiums on second          Pip:  I  have  had  a  connection  ever  since  I  was  a  kid.  Actually,  I  was  born  in
       homes and empty properties continues to be something Dorset Council are keen         Dorchester and lived in Bovington, but I played a lot of football as a kid, so played
       to  explore,  following  constructive  discussions  at  Overview  committee  and     in Bere Regis sometimes.  When I got interested in music, I started coming to the
       Cabinet. We will watch the progress of the government’s new Levelling Up and         Drax Arms to hear the bands play.
       Regeneration  Bill  closely  and  bring  this  to  Full  Council  once  the  legislation  has
       passed.                                                                              I  moved  to  the  village  when  I  had  young  kids  myself,  to  be  nearer  relatives.  I
                                                                                            worked for Barclays International and was travelling abroad a lot. I went all over

                                                                                            the place, Europe, North and South America, Australia, Singapore. I added it up
       Home Upgrade Grant (HUG) scheme                                                      once, I had been to forty countries in all. My kids thought I was a secret agent!
       Dorset  Council,  BCP  Council  and  Public  Health  Dorset  have  been  awarded     I started being active in the village just I after I moved here. The village football
       £4,343,000  by  central  government  to  upgrade  homes  and  off-grid  households   team needed a goalkeeper, so I came out of retirement and stepped in. When I
       with  energy  efficiency  measures  as  part  of  the  Home  Upgrade  Grant  (HUG)   stopped  playing  I  joined  The  Football  Committee.    Then  I  became  a  school
       scheme.                                                                              governor  (twice  at  both  old  and  new  school);  became  part  of  the  parish  plan
                                                                                            committee (the one before last in 2005!) and got involved in the Drax quiz night.
       The  HUG  scheme  will  provide  energy  efficiency  upgrades  and  low  carbon      That was started by the bar manager at that time.  She wrote the questions but
       heating via local authority funding, to households in England that are low income,   got me to read them out. She used to put in questions with nasty pronunciations
       off the gas grid or have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) between D and       or  naughty  words  and  sexy  ‘double  entendre’  to  trip  me  up!  Now  I  write  the
       G. You can find more information about the funding on the website.            questions!

                                                                                            Interest in the quiz has grown. Particularly during lockdown, when I did it once a
       Electric Vehicle charging points                                                     week online. We had people join in from Manchester, Birmingham, a nephew in
                                                                                            France…  we even  had  a regular  ex-villager from San  Diego. I  try  and  write  the
       We  aim  to  provide  access  to  charging points  within a  10 minute  drive for  most   questions so everyone can get most of the answers, but then I put in a couple of
       residents  within  10  years.  That’s  the  target  set  by  Dorset  Council  which  has   real ticklers each round. There are no prizes, it’s just a fun quiz on first Thursday of
       announced ‘ambitious plans’ to expand the charge points into villages and rural      the month at the Royal Oak.
       locations across the local authority network. The announcement comes as part of
       the council’s ‘Charging Ahead’ policy which switches the focus from the county’s

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