Page 20 - BR May 2023
P. 20

May 2023                                                                             May 2023

       enjoying  a  fantastic  breakfast                                                    CASTLE PLAYERS  -
       courtesy of Bere Regis Scouts!
                                                                                            LYTCHETT MATRAVERS
       Following  the  very  concerning  oil
       spill in Poole harbour I continue  to
       receive  regular  updates  on  the
       situation.  I  discussed  the  spill  with                                           May Murders
       the  Minister  for  Environmental                                                    Castle  Players  are  pleased  to  announce  their  next
       Quality  and  Resilience,  and  was                                                  show - May Murders, an evening of two one-act plays.
       sitting  next  to  her  on  the  front
       bench in Parliament for the Urgent                                                   The  first  is  Agatha  Christie's  'The  Patient'  directed  by
       Question  tabled  by  my  colleague                                                  Steve O'Neill where a lady falls from the balcony of her
       from  South  Dorset.    I  have  also                                                bedroom but her family and the inspector are unsure if
       been to speak to the Poole Harbour Commissioners in person about the spill and       it  is  an  accident,  attempted  murder  or  a  failed  suicide.  Dr  Ginsberg  rigs  an
       will follow closely the clean-up and investigative work to ensure it cannot happen   experiment to try and find out just 'whodunnit'.
                                                                                            The  second  is  a  radio  play,  'The  Big  Snooze'  by  Bruce  Kane,  directed  by  Steve
       I continue to hold regular surgeries in the constituency so please do get in touch if   Moore.  Private  Detective  Dick  Shamus  recieves  a  call  from  William  Jefferson
       there   is   something    you   need    help   with.   Email   me    on              Dumpty (Humpty to his friends) asking for help with an investigation, but when he or contact my office on 01202 624216. You         arrives, finds poor Humpty dead. Shamus is left to unscramble the mystery of his
       can  also  follow  what  I’ve been  doing  on  Twitter  @Michael4mdnp  or  Facebook   murder.
       w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / m i c h a e l 4 M D N P    o r    o n    m y    w e b s i t e where you can also sign up to receive my regular                                                 The  play  is  runnning  for  three
       email newsletter.                                                                                                            evenings  on  18th,  19th  and  20th
                                                                                              Paul            07788 185048          May and tickets are available now
       Michael Tomlinson KC MP                                                                Martin          01929 289323          from
                                                                                             Electrics                              tickets.

                                                                                             Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty   When you respond to
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