Page 16 - BR May 2023
P. 16

May 2023                                                                             May 2023

               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                          Dorset  Council’s  Highways  Department  to  carry  out  major  capital  works  to
                                                                                            alleviate serious flooding issues in Briantspuddle.
                                                                                            The Parish Council now has 3 vacancies for new Councillors.  If you are interested
       BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                                 in joining  or  to  find  out  more  about  what  the  role  involves,  please  contact  our
                                                                                            Parish Clerk, Matt Soul at

                                                                                            Charles Barter – A life to celebrate
       What’s on at Bere Heath Methodist Church in May.
                                                                                            At  the  December  22  Parish  Council  meeting  it  was  with  great  sadness  that  I
       We are now on the fifth month of the year , where has                                informed my colleagues that Charles Barter has passed away after a short illness.
       the time gone !!!!!!!. I hope  that you all had  a wonderful                         Charles had been a Parish Councillor for some 45 years and Chairman for a larger
       Easter  and  that  chocolate  was  eating  in  moderation.                           part of this time.
       Here’s what’s happening at Bere Heath Chapel in May.
                                                                                            I attended a service of thanksgiving for the life of Charles on 17th March 23 along
       Sunday 7  May   -  Monthly Service  and Coranation Afternoon Tea . Service is at     with  many  of  my  fellow  Parish  Councillors,  both  past  and  present  at  St  John’s
       2pm led by Rev Ruth Lownsbrough who is one of our Ministers in our Circuit. This     church  in  Tincleton.    The  church  was  overflowing  with  family  and  friends  and
       will  be  followed  by  a  Coronation  Afternoon  Tea    at  3pm  ish.  So  we  know  how
       many  to  cater  for  please  contact  Jackie  Morgan    on  01929  472283  if  you  are   before and after the service we shared anecdotes about our times with Charles.
       coming  to  tea  and  there  will  be  a  charge  for  tea  as  its  also  part  of  our  Fund   The service itself was a heart-warming celebration of Charles’ life.  I have known
       raising for the Chapel.                                                              Charles for over 20 years and I always knew him to be a deeply modest person so
                                                                                            it  was  a  great  privilege  to  hear  about  so  may  other  aspects  of  his  life  and  his
       Saturday 20  May   - Craft and Kids – 2.30 --3.45pm. An afternoon for children and
       their Parents/Carer to come along and have some creative fun (and messy fun).        many passions and achievements including technology innovation in watercress
       You  do  not  have  to  be  creative.  Drinks  and  food  during  the  session.  Why  not   farming  and  more  alarmingly  his  considerable  success  in  motor  racing,  being
                                                                                            described as a “natural”.
       come along, give it a try? (Parents can have a go too or just drink coffee).
                                                                                            Julian, Bridget and Charles’ son paid tribute to his father and this was very moving
       Have a Happy May.                                                                    as  he  painted  a  picture  of  Charles  and  his  sense  of  humour  which  resonated
         With  best wishes from All at Bere Heath Methodist Church .                        around the Church with laughter as well as tears.
                      Peter Jenner – Lay Worker – Children and Families and Outreach.       I was particularly stuck by a story about Charles as a young man setting out on his
                                                                                            adventures and what his father used to say “A day spent outside Dorset is a day
                                                                                            wasted”.  As we came to learn Charles did spend time far away from Dorset in
                                Did you Know?                                               Spain and Florida as part of his professional life but certainly the words of his father
                                                                                            ran deep within Charles; his heart was and remained in Dorset.  It was this passion
                                                                                            for Dorset that permeated  his contribution to our Parish as a long serving Parish
          Would you like to have the parish magazine delivered to your door each month      Councillor.
                              if you live within the parishes?
                                                                                            Charles had a detailed knowledge of the Parish which always added context to
             We have a fantastic team of volunteer distributors who undertake the           the issues we faced and informed our decisions.  His recall of detail over decades
          delivery of this magazine, and for just £10 a year (which is £2 less than you     was astonishing as was the calm wisdom he brought to debate.
          would pay at the retail price and no charge for delivery),  you could be included   Charles  was a  Parish  Councillor for  decades  and as  such  his  achievements  are
                                 on one of these rounds.                                    too  many  to  list  and,  as  a relative  newcomer,  I  fear  I  won’t  be  aware  of  all  of
                                                                                            them.  What I can say is that during this time, for every major event or threat to our
                 Contact the Editor, for more information:  Alison Debenham                 way  of  life,  Charles  was  there  playing  an  active  role  in  the  interest  of  our
                   or  01929 471780                        Parishioners.

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