Page 10 - BR May 2023
P. 10

May 2023                                                     SMALL ADS
                                                                                                                            May 2023
                                                                                                                     Purbeck                 Sharon Dobson
       St John the Baptist, Bere Regis                                                          Village Hall
                                                                                                                     Plumbing                   Handmade
                                                                                             Available for Hire for private
       Interment of ashes                                                                    parties or regular meetings.
                                                                                           Please note that the main Hall is on an   Boiler services,   Find out how I can help you
       14  April             Zena Rogers                                                    upper level, we do however  have a   repairs and   transform the look of your
                                                                                                    chair lift.
                                                                                             There is a smaller room also   installation.  Drains and   Bespoke handmade curtains
                                                                                               available for meetings    waste pipes unblocked.     and alterations, Roman
       St Laurence, Affpuddle                                                               The Hall hire cost is £15 per hour                blinds, soft furnishings and
                                                                                            for the upper hall and £10 per
                                                                                               hour for the lower hall.    Call Steve Iles on   upholstery projects

       Funeral                                                                              For hire and booking enquiries   01929 550858
                                                                                                  please email          07831 312740           07960 459834
       24  March             Nigel Payne                                                      
                                                                                               01929 472037
                                                                                            Toes and Fingers            HANDY AL                 Computer
       OUR LIVING CHURCHYARD                                                                                                                     Problems?
                                                                                              Toe and finger nail     For your garden
       Did you know that churchyards can be little havens for                               cutting service in your                           Email & internet support
       wildlife?                                                                                  own home           maintenance and          Wireless networking setup
                                                                                                                                               PC and Laptop repairs
       The  Dorset  Wildlife  Trust  is  running  an  event  on  May  13th  from  2  t0  5pm  in  our   Toe nail cutting £15   odd jobs.     Virus and malware removal
       churchyard to show how wildlife is encouraged in our churchyard.                     Finger nail cutting £12     Friendly and            No call-out charge
       This  includes how  wild flowers  occur in the  grass  areas  particularly  amongst  the   Both treatments £18   reliable service.    Over 20 years’ experience
       attractive old lichen covered gravestones, a bee hotel which has been made as                                                              Call Alan on :
       a  model  of  the  church  and  a  ‘wild’    area  in  the  corner  where  frogs  and  slow   Call Kay on      Telephone Alan on :       01929 480529
                                                    worms have been seen.                     01202 280492 or         07976 262409              07710 835905

                                                    Come  and  join  us  to  look               07968 290333                        
                                                    around the churchyard to see
                                                    what  is  there  and  hear  how
                                                    we carry out surveys and how                                      Sole to Soul                   KDL
                                                    it is  managed   for the  benefit
                                                    of wildlife.                                                     Reflexology               PLUMBING &
                                                                                                                            in the
                                                                                                                                              All jobs undertaken.
                                                                                                                            Towers               Free estimates.
                                                                                                                                                   Call Kevin
                                                                                            Learn or Play CROQUET          Pamela
                                                                                            Briantspuddle – No Fees                            0747-512-8249
                                                                                                       01929 472204                            (01929) 448548

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