Page 22 - br-may-2020
P. 22

May 2020                                                                             May 2020
       then Purbeck District Council in December 2018. We resolved to write to our MP
       with  a  view  to  facilitating  a  change  in  the  law,  and  to  engage  with  Natural   POEMS TO KEEP YOU SMILING
       England and Dorset Council, to voice our concerns.

                                                                                           Because we are missing some of our regular articles, I felt it might be nice to have
       The Annual Meeting                                                                  some additional material to keep the magazine ‘buoyant’ during these  difficult
       The  next  meeting  on  Thursday  14   May,  should  be  our  Annual  Meeting,  which   times.  Ed.
       would normally include the election of officers. Central Government has decided
       that Town and Parish Councils can choose to delay the meeting until May 2021 or
       until later in 2020 when councillors are able to meet. We have chosen to delay      Mongrel
       the meeting until the Autumn of 2020.
                                                                                           In days gone by, we had a mutt, of indeterminate source.
       In addition, all current office holders, i.e. Chairs and Vice Chairs and Committee   He was built like an ox, with the appetite of a horse.
       members, should remain in post if possible, until that time. Our next meeting will,   His mother was a poodle. The father, one of a few.
       therefore,  take  the  shape of  a  normal  monthly  meeting,  which  will  be  held  by   Back then, he was a mongrel, now he'd be a cockerpoo.
       video conferencing. Residents are invited to submit questions to the Clerk or a

       Councillor by email by the 10th May. The question will then be read out at the
       meeting and a response given. The meeting will then be streamed via the Parish      Our neighbour's dog was special. They used to call him Ben.
       Council  website  in  order  for  residents  to  hear  the  response  to  their     He was a Heinz 57, and one of a litter of ten.
       questions.   Councillors   contact   details   can   be   found   at   https://     Every inch was muscle. He was the whole kit and caboodle.                              Back then, he was a mongrel, now he'd be a jackadoodle.

       This is all still very new and strange to everyone, so we would ask your indulgence
       and forgive us if it takes a meeting or two to get things right.                    Down our street, lived a woman of somewhat dubious means.
                                                                                           Her little dog was dubious too, and always full of beans.
                                                                   Ian Ventham             If she had paid much for him, she would have been a mug.
                                                                                           Back then, he was a mongrel, but now he'd be a frug.

                                                                                           If a mother is a shih tzu, and you’re caught up in this fad,
                                                                                           A puppy will be bullshit, if a bulldog is the dad.
                                                                                           Everything hangs together with concoction, cross and cobble,
                                                                                           But, what back then was a mongrel, would make my collie wobble.
                                                                                                                                               Paul J Openshaw 2019

                                                                                           Our Village Songwriter

                                                                                           Dear Alison,
                                                                                           I'm  writing  on  behalf  of  my  Mum,  Eileen  Richardson.  She  is  92  and  lives  in
                                                                                           Stanbarrow  Close,  Bere  Regis.  She  has  written  over  300  songs,  a  few  of  which
                                                                                           have been recorded. Five have even been put on YouTube by several different
                                                                                           At  this  challenging  time  Mum  has  been  thinking  again  about  the  lyrics  of  her

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