Page 20 - br-may-2020
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May 2020                                                                             May 2020
                                                                                                                                     A number of our local fitness instructors
                                                                                                                                     have  ‘gone  digital’.    If  you  have
                      BERE REGIS NEWS                                                      LOCKDOWN WELLNESS                         access  to  the  internet,  you  may  find
                                                                                                                                     the following information useful

                                                                                            Reacting to the new normal....A Pilates instructor’s view
       BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL                                                            As this crisis unfolded, I very quickly realised that continuing to offer ‘face to face’
                                                                                            Pilates  the  traditional  a  village  hall,  was  no  longer  an
       Chairman:          Ian Ventham     471480                     option.    The  last  class  I  taught  was  March  16 ...much  has  changed  since
                                                                                            then,  for me, my faithful customers and for the rest of the world.
       Vice Chairman:     Bryan Benjafield    07969       Within hours, I had set up a facebook page for
                                          770890                                            my pilates customers to become a community. I
                                                                                            had  been  a  member,  but  never  engaged  with
       Parish Clerk:      Amanda          472327                     facebook.  Many of my customers either did not
                          Crocker                                                           want to be on facebook, or did not know ‘how’
                                                                                            to   navigate    this   new   method     of
        Websites:                                  communication.   Together,  we  had  to  learn  a
                                                                 new  language.    Another  buzz  word  has  been
                                                                                            Zoom,  this  software  has  enabled  me  to  teach
                                                                                            classes  as  if  we  were  all  in  the  room  together.
        The  Parish  Council  met  very  briefly  by  video                                 These  digital  platforms  have  undoubtedly
        conferencing on Thursday 9  April. This was by way of                               allowed many people to stay connected, to stay
        experimenting  with  the  technology  with  which  most
        of  us  are  unfamiliar,  and  to  discuss  how  our  future                        motivated and to stay active.
        meetings  can  be  made  accessible  to  the  public.  If                           It has been an absolute gift to have my family all
        you have any questions for a future meeting, please                                 back together under the same roof.  Trying to find a quiet space to teach from
        email them as detailed below.                                                       home has been challenging, as our grown up family of 4 struggle to now all work
                                                                                            from home.  Sharing &  caring now refers to not hogging the bandwidth rather

                                                                                            than the shower!
                                                                                            We might not have lots of space, but we have plenty of time to learn something
        Members discussed the range of measures that had                                    new  and  pay  a  little  more  attention  to  our  own  mental  and  physical  well
        been put in place by the Parish Council and others to                               being.  Although there are so many things we cannot do at the moment...Pilates
        assist  residents  during  the  pandemic,  under  the                               is something we can do anytime anywhere....Perfect for us at home, without any
        banner  of  BereConnect,  and  were  satisfied  that  at                            equipment.
        present there was little more we could do.
                                                                                            Despite  all  normal  activities  being  suspended,  I  am  busier  than  ever  trying  to

                                                                                            access all the people who may have felt left behind by technology.   For those
                                       Rowlands Wait Caravan Park                           not lucky enough to have a house full, connecting through social media or even
                                                                                            email  can  be  a  lifeline  which  I  hope  will  help  get  them  through  this  strange
                                       The council was very unhappy that planning           episode  in  our  lives.     ‘Content’  ‘platform’    ‘meeting  ID’    all  phrases  which  a
                                       law  makes  no  distinction  between  towed          month ago would have meant nothing to me!  I have had to learn, to adapt and
                                       caravans occupying pitches at a touring site         to be creative with the way I continue to provide Pilates content to my many and
                                       for  a  week  or  two  at  a  time,  and  so-called   varied  participants...I  call  them  the  LPP’s    (Lovely  Pilate  People)  as  they  have
                                       mobile  homes  occupied  by  year-round              been so gracious in allowing me to experiment with them and develop a new
                                       residents.  The  owners  of  the  site  are          way of being.  It was a steep learning curve for all of us...I hope the curve is going
                                       proceeding with works at the site authorised         to flatten out soon – although I am still learning every day, how to adapt to this
                                       by  a  Certificate  of  Lawfulness  issue  by  the
                                                                                            new way of living and connecting with people.

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