Page 19 - br-may-2020
P. 19

May 2020                              May 2020

 This has been a shared human experience, bringing people together in a strange   Information  and  landing  page:
 but -despite not being actually face-to-face- intense way.  I hope when things go   severe-weather/emergencies/coronavirus/coronavirus-covid-19.aspx
 back to normal...things will have changed for the better.
       Co-ordinated  Community  Response:  Information  about  our  co-ordinated
       community response is available on the DC web site
 Bere Regis Pilates  - another way to do it!
 I wanted to let you know I am running Zoom Pilates classes at the moment while   There  remains  a  great  deal  of  good  advice  on  how  people  can  protect
 we are in in lock down.    themselves  online  at  Finally,  any  Dorset  resident  who
       needs  additional  support  should  be  encouraged  to  call  the  Community  Shield
 These are 40 minute sessions where you can watch me teach a class and via the
 video link I can provide you with feedback. Its a group session on a Tuesday at   helpline: 01305 221000 (open 8am-8pm everyday).
 5.50 pm or Monday at 5.30 pm and it’s £5 a session.

 If you’re interested please email me and we will get you joined.   Surgery
 Lizzie Jones  -   We are not holding face to face meetings at the moment. However, we would
       be  delighted  to  ring  and  talk  to  you.  Please  ring  or  email  us  with  the  subject
       matter  so  that  we  can  prepare  ourselves.  Peter’s  email  address  is

 Milborne Yoga   telephone   07986600799   and   Laura’s   is  telephone 07814 569563.
 Yoga classes in Milborne St Andrew village hall are temporarily suspended, but the
 desirability of regular yoga practice in your life has probably never been stronger.   Peter Wharf & Laura Miller, Dorset Councillors for West Purbeck
 Yoga  practice  combines  stretching  and  strengthening  with  breathwork  which is
 really good for the whole of you: it makes your body healthier – it’s not just your
 muscles and joints that benefit, but your internal organs as well, which means that
 your  immune  system  also  improves.  It  also  helps  your  mind,  making  you  feel
 calmer and clearer.  As you feel clearer, you find it easier to make decisions, to
 understand what is right for you. It makes you feel at one with yourself and with
 the natural world.
 Although general classes are what most people associate with yoga nowadays,
 traditionally  it  was  nearly  always  taught  individually.  We  are  all  different,  with
 different  life  experiences,  different  bodies  and  therefore  different  needs.  I  am
 trained to teach individuals, and have been doing it online, with Skype, for many
 years. Why not make this the time to get a practice designed for you, that you
 can then do every day? Ten to twenty minutes’ practice a day can really change
 things for you.
 Contact me, Sarah Ryan, on 01258 839230 or email:

 Bere Regis Boot Camp
 I have put a few videos together that can be done with no equipment and these
 are linked to my pt page on facebook:- Martin Oliver Personal Training

 Martin Oliver

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