Page 18 - br-may-2020
P. 18

May 2020                                                                             May 2020

       deemed essential and the requirements for social distancing would be difficult to    KEEP CULTURALLY CONNECTED WITH
       enforce and would take away from our already stretched staff; but we hope to         ARTSREACH
       restart this as soon as possible. There has been much speculation about potential
       for increased fly tipping. As a matter of interest, the latest statistics for April show
       that fly tipping is down based on the same period last year, but we will continue    Artsreach are still working to try and bring us comedy, music, drama - even if it's
       to monitor this.                                                                     online!

                                                                                            Dorset’s  touring  arts  charity  Artsreach  celebrates  its  30   birthday  in  2020  but,
       Good News                                                                            rather than bringing audiences, artist and volunteers together, the Artsreach staff
                                                                                            team  and  Board  of  Trustees  have  had  to  make  some  difficult  decisions  in  the
       The  virus  has  led  to  almost                                                     current  situation,  cancelling  live  performances  set  to  take  place  in  community
       unrelentingly  bad  news,  so  I  am                                                 venues such as village halls.
       going to end with a small but good
       news story. Dorset Council has been                                                  The team continue to monitor the situation relating to the Coronavirus pandemic,
       supporting  people  calling  in  to  the                                             listening to Government and Public Health advice and planning accordingly. The
       helpline,  but  they’ve  also  been                                                  impact of this pandemic on our Country is still unfolding but in the meantime, the
       proactively working with people in,                                                  Artsreach team continue to work remotely and are exploring how best to support
       some might say, unusual ways. They                                                   our artists and communities at this time and in the future.
       supported  a  lady  who  has  been                                                   Artsreach is  very  grateful  for  the  excellent  support  being  given  by  our  principal
       shielding  with  her  husband,  and                                                  funders, Arts Council England and Dorset Council. We are working hard to explore
       who  were  advised  to  sleep                                                        what  our  next  programme  might  look  like,  and  as  always,  we  will  do  this  in
       separately  to  ensure  their  health                                                communication and partnership with our fantastic team of volunteers across the
       and safety.
       As  a  result,  she  had  been  sleeping
       on a recliner chair in the lounge as
       they  didn’t  have  a  spare  bed.  This                                             Digital Diary
       was  really  not  helping  her  get  a                                               In  the  meantime,  until
       good nights’ sleep, nor her general health. The team was able to secure a grant      we can come together
       from Dorset Poverty Action Group and they bought a single bed. The highways          to  enjoy  professional
       team kindly collected it from the store and delivered it. The lady rang to say a big   performances   once
       thank you as it was the first time, she'd slept the whole night in weeks and she’s   more, we hope that we
       already feeling better. And she's also linked to a volunteer to help with collecting   can  brighten  your  day
       prescriptions. The bed was delivered just in time for her birthday. What a great gift
                                                                                            just  a  little  by  keeping
       and another example of Dorset's approach to supporting people through this!          y o u    C u l t u r a l l y
                                                                                            Connected  -  many  of

                                                                                            our  touring  friends  are
       Useful information available
                                                                                            working hard to keep in
       There is a great deal of information on the Dorset Council website, this includes    touch  with  us  all  by
       contact  information  and  ideas  for  things  to  do,  including  for  children  when   releasing  lots  of  lovely  creative  content  online.  In  response,  we  have  built
       they’re at home.  Here are some of the links:                                        a  ‘Digital  Diary’  on  the  Artsreach  website,  which  will be  regularly  updated.  The
                                                                                            page will be constantly changing so keep checking back and keep sharing it  -
       Online resources for families      we’ve seen some wonderful performances so far.
       Schools  and  families:                                                             The Artsreach Team

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