Page 17 - br-may-2020
P. 17

May 2020                              May 2020

 BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE   up 7-days a week to do this.
       As  of  mid-April,  in  excess  of
 NEWS   1400  assessments  had  been
       completed.  The  aim  is  to
       support  household  to  help
       additional   support   as
 COUNCIL   required   (such   as   food
       parcels,  medicine  deliveries
       and  connecting  volunteers
 What a difference a month makes!   who  can  check  on  them).
       The   primary   challenge
 Since our March meeting Covid 19 has dominated our thinking and our actions.
 In  response  to  the  worsening  situation  the  Parish  Council  invited  representatives   remains  the  availability  of
       online  grocery  delivery  slots.
 from  all  the  organisations   across  the  parish  to  meet.    The  purpose  of  the
       We  are  encouraging  those  who  can,  to  make  other  arrangements  so  that  they
 meeting was to decide on a community response and how best to organise and   free up capacity for our more vulnerable people.
 manage the effort needed to support parishioners.  This meeting took place on

 Monday  16   March  and  the  minutes  of  the  meeting  are  available  on  Parish
 Council  section  of  the  Community  Website  The  main   Broadband
 outcome  from  the  meeting  was  the  establishment  The  Parish  Council  Covid19
 Group.     Following on from my previous pieces about Broadband. We have now collected
       and collated a very large amount of information regarding the poor performance
 Since its inaugural meeting the Group has made rapid progress.  You will be able   of BT Openreach in the implementation of Superfast Broadband in the rural areas
 to read about what has happened, what the Group can offer, the support given   of Dorset. We requested one of our Dorset MPs to join us as the Westminster lead in
 by volunteers, as well as the efforts of the Village Shop and Post Office throughout   a campaign to improve this situation dramatically. I am pleased to say that Chris
 this difficult time in a separate article   in this edition of the Parish Magazine.   The   Loder  (West  Dorset)  is  that  MP  and  he  is  proving  very  effective  and  influential. I
 Parish  Council  would  like  to  offer  its  sincere  thanks  to  everyone  who  has  come   have already held several sessions with him on the subject although he needed
 forward to help the community, neighbours and friends.   little effort to bring him up to speed as he used to be a District Councillor for West
       Dorset and knows the poor coverage both personally and across Dorset. We have
 The Parish Council meeting on 8  April was held remotely  in order to comply with
 Government social distancing guidance. Until restrictions around movement and   agreed  to  hold  a  video  conference  with  the  CEO  of  BT  Openreach  with  myself
 public  gatherings  are  lifted,  the  Parish  Council  will  be  holding  all  meetings   and  Chris.  Chris  is  then  going  to  attempt  to  facilitate  a  meeting  (electronic  of
 remotely and only handing urgent business.    course) with the relevant Minister to argue our case. I hope this will help to force BT
       Openreach  to  listen  to  our  complaints  and  to  pressurise  them  to  improve
 The meeting concentrated on agreeing details surrounding the Covid 19 Group   dramatically.
 which  has  been  set  up  under  the  auspices  of  the  Parish  Council.    A  budget  of
 £1,000 was agreed to cover some items of expenditure.  Decisions were also taken
 to postpone the Annual Parish Meeting as well as the annual meeting of the Parish   Garden Waste
 Council.    For  the  time  being  Councillor  Sue  Jones  will  continue  to  serve  as   The  service  will  restart  from  April
 Chairman and Councillor Charles Barter will continue to serve as Vice-Chairman.   27th  as  we  now  have  enough
 When  public  gatherings  are  once  again  permitted,  the  Council  will  agree  an   staff to cover it which we did not
 appropriate time to reschedule these meetings.
                                                 have    due   to   illness   and
 So far as ongoing monthly Parish Council meetings are concerned, members of   reallocation to other more urgent
 the  public  will  be  able  to  join  the  meetings  which  will  continue  to  be  held  via   tasks.  We  still  do  not  (currently)
                                                 intend  to  reopen  Household
                                                 Recycling Centres as they are not
 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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