Page 20 - br-may2019
P. 20

May 2019                                                                             May 2019

                                                                                           We  are  also  looking  to  form  a  Ladies  and  Girls  Cricket  group.  This  will  be  an
                                OBITUARIES                                                 introduction  to  Fun,  Soft  Ball  Cricket.  Taster  sessions  will  be  held  at  The  Rec  on
                                                                                           Sunday 19  May at 2.00 p.m. and Friday 7  June at 7 p.m. Any interested Ladies
                                                                                           are welcome to attend, drinks and refreshments will be provided.
                 I  don't  know  how  everyone  will remember  Doug  but I'll  remember
                 him by the big shiny smile he had most of the times I would see him       Further information is available at
         and the way he used to sit, smoke his pipe and daydream on his bench.
         I  looked after Doug for quite a while, you could say he was my best friend.
         He would always put a smile on my face, even when I was down by making             DORSET CHAMBER CHOIR COME & SING
         silly jokes. We always got up to mischief because he was my partner in crime.
         I remember when I found his wheelchair and we had the idea I'd sit in it and
         he'd give it a push and I'd go racing down the slope on the drive, it wasn't the
         best idea but it was fun.
                                                                                            Two Glorias: Vivaldi & Rutter
         Every time I  went to see him I would make him a cup of tea and watch the
         Last  of  the  Summer  Wine  and  he  would  tell  me  about  his  time  in  Bisley   Saturday 15  June 2019
         Boarding School.
                                                                                            At  Broadstone  United  Reformed
         He would tell me how he would go off to get fruit from the nearby trees, he        Church BH18 9AG
         got caught many times, once he was climbing back through the window only
                                                                                            Registration   10.30am      Ends
         to find the Master waiting for him.
         He  would  tell  me  all  sorts  of  stories  from  riding  and  falling  off  motorbikes  to   Advance  Booking  please.    £15
         slipping out from the barracks when he was in the RAF, every time I saw him        adults  £5  students  (music  &
         he would tell the same story but they always got better and better.
                                                                                            refreshments   provided)   See
         Every time I got in the car he would slip me some chewing gum and tell me
         not to tell my gran.                                                               for registration form or call 01305
          My  favourite  memory  of  Doug…  was  a  hot  summer's  day,  we  were  sat
         outside with a cider and he was puffing his pipe, looking into the woodland
         and  we  decided  to  go  into  the  workshop  and  make  something  so  we
         decided to make a gun, from two pieces of wood, a pipe and duct tape.
         We both thought we'd done a rather good job.

         It  is  true  to  say  that  me  and  Doug  had  a  rather  good  relationship  and  I'm
         proud to have called him my grandfather.
         Doug will be well missed but he will always be in our

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                                                                                                their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the

                                                                                                 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more

                                                                                                                    advertising revenue!!

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