Page 23 - br-may2019
P. 23

May 2019                              May 2019

       year to assist groups within the parish. Grants are up to a maximum of £500 and
       application forms are available from the Clerk or on the Parish Council web site.
       We are about to start a new grant year so, if you belong to a group that is looking
       to  undertake  a  project  that  could  benefit  from  such  a  grant,  please  do  not
       hesitate to submit an application. The form is very easy to complete but, please
       remember, the money can only be used for the benefit of a parish group and not
       an individual.

       Ponies on Souls Moor
       With May just around the corner and the ground beginning to dry out, we will be
       looking to reintroduce the ponies on to the nature reserve area on Souls Moor. We
       hope to have the same ponies as last year as they proved to be real favourites.
       As in previous years, please do not feed them and if you are in any way uncertain
       of walking through the field whilst the ponies are in residence, please use the path
       around the outside.
                                 Amanda Crocker, Clerk to Bere Regis Parish Council


       As  part  of  Bere  Fest  we  are
       holding   a   photographic
       competition  and  there  will
       be 2 categories as follows:
            BERE REGIS -  OUR
            BERE  REGIS  -  OUR
             WILDLIFE      AND
             WILD PLACES
       Open  to  all  ages,  so  get
       snapping! More details in the
       June magazine.

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