Page 22 - br-may2019
P. 22

May 2019                                                                             May 2019

       Post Office
                                                                                                                                     GARDENING CLUB
       You may be aware that Janette Woodhouse, the proprietor, has announced that
       the village post office is likely to close soon. The Parish Council, together with our
       Dorset Councillor, are working closely with our MP and with Janette, and, once we                                    We  had  a  marvelous  outing  to  Tarrant
       receive clarification regarding various issues raised, we will be in a position to take                              Keynston  mill  last  month  looking  at  the
       the matter up with the main Post Office. In the meantime, we have made contact                                       layout  of  the  gardens  and  listening  to  the
       with  customer  services  at  Post  Office  Ltd  and  hope  we  may  be  able  to  find  a   plans for development of this project.  We were shown the fragrant plants and
       solution.                                                                            how they are distilled to make the oils for development of fragrances.
                                                                                            Next  Month  back  to  the  Drax  Hall  on  Tuesday  7   May  for  a  talk  on  intimate
       Minibus                                                                              Garden plants by Andrew Humphris.  The meeting starts at 7.30.  all welcome.
       The  minibus is now available for hire by village groups and a huge  thank you is    On Saturday 11  May we have the Garden Club plant sale.  We will be selling
       extended  to  Goodwin  Graphics  for  making  such  a  wonderful job  of  sign-writing   surplus plants, Garden bric-a-brac, books, and some produce .  this time we are
       the minibus free of charge. If you would like to hire the minibus, please contact Cllr   holding this event at Bridge House Shitterton .  Please can members bring their
       Brenda House on 01929 471255.                                                        excess plants and stuff the evening before.  The sale will start at 10.30 so you can
                                                                                            go to the Scout breakfast at 9 am and get to the plant sale later

                                      Christmas Trees

                                      This  initiative,  we  believe,  is  unique  to  Bere
                                      Regis  and  we  very  much  hope  to  keep  it
                                      going.  The  scheme  was  originally  set  up  so
                                      those properties with external brackets would
                                      be  able  to  have  a  tree  which  would  benefit
                                      the  whole  community.  West  Street  looks
                                      extremely festive when all the trees are lit on
                                      the  run-up  to  Christmas.  Over  time,  the
                                      scheme  has  evolved  into  the  Parish  Council
                                      enabling residents to purchase a 4’ to 5’ tree
                                      at cost price. Until last year, this worked well.
                                      However,  residents  are  booking  trees  without
                                      paying  up  front  for  them  and  then  not
                                      collecting them. As a result, there were quite a
                                      few  trees  left  uncollected  last  year  which
                                      meant a cost to the Parish Council. In order to
       prevent this from happening this year but to enable the scheme to keep running,
       no  trees  will  be  ordered  unless  they  have  been  paid  for  in  advance  and  the
       request slip has been passed to the Clerk. The tree order must go in by the end of
       June. If you haven’t ordered your tree by then, you will not be able to have one
       so, please, put your order in NOW.

       Parish Council Grants
       As many groups know, the Parish Council sets aside a portion of the Precept each

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