Page 15 - br-may2019
P. 15
May 2019 May 2019
fancy wearing a high viz vest can take a turn as a car park attendant . . .. .
please get in touch with me Jenny Lightfoot 01929 471498 if you have any skills to OTHER CHURCHES NEWS
offer on the day, if you can put a poster in your car window or indeed anywhere
else. Thanks.
Sundays 10.30am Morning Service taken each week by visiting
Newcomers to this community are often surprised at how much happens here, preachers.
obviously there are events, classes etc at the Village Hall, but we have a great
little Shop and Post Office, a beautiful Church and even somewhere to meet and Mondays at 7pm STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting
have a drink, the Social Club. We are so lucky to have so much in such a small Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time) Chapel Toddlers Group
place. Tuesdays at 7.30pm Bible Study and Prayer
Nigel Cutland is a professor of mathematics. He became a Christian when he was
AFFPUDDLE & TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH a student at university.
COUNCIL “I always had some vague sense that there was ‘something’ there, but I didn’t
know who or what God was. At university I took up the offer from a fellow student
to explore what Christianity was about, through discussions over coffee, listening to
Parish Councillor Elections CDs and reading books. One which stood out to me was ‘Mere Christianity’ by
The Parish Clerk has received a Notice of Uncontested Elections for the Parish. C.S. Lewis, whose arguments made such perfect sense to me as a mathematician.
This means that fewer nominations were received than the number of vacancies “I realised that the
to be filled. As such the Election of Parish Councillors was confirmed from 2 May Christian faith was
for the coming term as follows;
not about doing
Charles Barter your best and
Sue Jones hoping God would
give you a pass
Graham Lightfoot mark if you had
Sarah Lowman done well enough. I
also understood for
Trevor Poole
the first time that it
This means that the Parish Council has 4 vacancies and these can be filled by the was about getting
process of Co-option. If anyone would like to put themselves forward, please right with God, not because of what I could do, but because of what He has done
contact the Acting Clerk by email to express an interest in the role and for a through Jesus’ death on the cross. I was amazed to discover that God was
summary of how the process of Co-option works. offering me a new kind of life, like a heart transplant, so that I would begin to live
life His way.
Being a Parish Councillor offers an opportunity to make a difference to our
community and as such the role is both interesting and rewarding. To discuss “My questioning took place over a period of about eighteen months. Although I
more about the role or to pose any questions please contact Sue Jones was convinced intellectually, I was still reluctant to make a personal commitment or call on 01929 471375. to God, which I knew was at the heart of the Christian faith. Then God brought me
to a point when I knew I had to take a step of faith, and I became a Christian.
“To have a relationship with the God of the universe has given me a real sense of
Litter Pick
purpose and security about knowing who I am and where I am going. That sense
Over the weekend of 6 & 7 April 19 Parishioners volunteered to help with the of purpose pervades the whole of my life. As a mathematician, knowing that
annual Litter Pick across the Parish. This is a very big effort and as usual a what I am doing is within the framework and design of the Creator makes it very
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