Page 18 - br-may2019
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May 2019                                                                             May 2019

                                                                                           hospital, preparing and responding to emergencies, to reuniting families across the
                                                                                           In  Dorset  services  include  Crisis  Response,  Support  at  Home,  Mobility  Aids,
                                                                                           Community  Connectors  and  Refugee  Services.  Like  any  charity,  the  British  Red
                                                                                           Cross is dependent on fundraising and donations to survive, as well as the amazing
                                                                                           efforts of a team of dedicated volunteers across the county.

                                                                                           Support at Home Dorset

                                                                                           At the end of 2016, the British Red
                                                                                           Cross  teamed  up  with  Dorset
                                                                                           County  Hospital  to  offer  a  new
                                                                                           service  which  supports  patients
                                                                                           after  a  stay  in  hospital.  The
                                                                                           Support at Home service provides
                                                                                           patients,  who  are  over  65,  with
                                                                                           short-term  support  (up  to  six
                                                                                           weeks)  to  smooth  the  process  of
                                                                                           settling back into a normal routine
                                                                                           and  enabling  people  to  regain
                                                                                           confidence and independence.

                                                                                           The service aims to:
                                                                                           •     Reduce the risk of re-admission to hospital
                                                                                           •     Reduce social isolation through signposting to longer term support

                                                                                           •     Reduce pressure on the hospital
                                                                                           Fiona  Pearson  is  the  Service  Manager  for  Independent  Living  Services  in  Dorset.
                                                                                           She  said:  “I  love  my  job,  the  services  that  we  run  in  Dorset  really  do  make  a
                                                                                           difference. This gives us all a great sense of achievement every day.”

                                                                                           The Support at Home team visit around 35 people a month. Volunteer assistance
                                                                                           includes supporting people with their shopping, signposting to other organisations
                                                                                           within  the  community,  providing  welfare  checks  and  taking  people  to  health
                                                                                           “Sometimes the support can be taking the time to chat and listen over a cup of
                                                                                           tea during a visit. Something so simple can make such a big difference” continued
                                                                                           Eighty-four  year  old  Sylvia Downing recently  used  the  service  after  a  fall  left  her
                                                                                           with  a  badly  fractured  hip.  “It’s  very  good,”  said  Sylvia.  “You  don’t  realise  how
                                                                                           much support is out there for you. The British Red Cross visited me and helped me
                                                                                           with shopping. You know there’s someone at the end of the phone, if you need

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