Page 24 - br-may2019
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May 2019                                                                             May 2019

                                                                                           BERE REGIS WI

                                                                                           As well as our annual meeting in April, members of
                                                                                           the  Bere  Regis  WI  attended  the  Spring  Group
                  To All our Regular                                                       Meeting  in  Sturminster  Marshall  where  we  were
                                                                                           treated  to  an  interesting  talk  about,  and  lovely
               Contributors  -  A Plea                                                     photographs of, the beautiful sights of Dorset from
                    from the Editor                                                                                                    Lyme Regis to Christchurch.  To
                                                                                                                                       c o mp le men t   thi s ,   the

              Hello all                                                                                                                traditional competition was for
                                                                                                                                       the  best  photograph  on  the
               This is not a moan, but I need                                                                                          theme ‘A View of Dorset’.  We
                                                                                                                                       were  pleased  to  bring  home
              to get it off my chest!  If you are                                                                                      the  cup  for  this,  courtesy  of  a
              not a ‘culprit’ please ignore the                                                                                        picture   entitled   ‘After   the
              rest of this message!                                                                                                    Storm’ taken by Jill Marsden.
                                                                                                                                       Havi ng   overc ome     the
               One of the reasons that I have                                                                                          challenge  of  how  to  insert
              been happy to continue producing the Bere Regis Parish                                                                   velcro  into  seat  belt  covers
              magazine, for the past 23 years, is that I have rarely ever                                                              without   breaking   sewing
                                                                                                                                       machine  needles  at  our  last
              had to chase contributors for their copy and the monthly                                                                 Stitch and Twitch meeting,  this
              deadline of the 15  has usually been met.  I believe I have                  month we’re focusing on making doorstops.  The debate is whether dried beans
              always been accommodating to late-comers as it does                          or  washed  gravel  make  the  best  stuffing?    These  Stitch  and  Twitch  sessions  are
                                                                                           open to everyone, not just WI members.  If you’d like to turn your hand to making
              take me around three days to produce the mag, so there                       a pyramid chicken or dog door stop or would simply like to join us for a cup of
              has been some flexibility.                                                   tea/coffee and some cake/biscuits, just drop into the Sports and Social Club any
                                                                                           time between 9.30am to noon on Thursday, 25  April 2019.
               However, in the past year or so, I have often had to chase
                                                                                           At May’s monthly meeting we’re being treated to ‘An Introduction to Burlesque’
              some of the regular monthly contributors and very                            by Louise Johnson. To join in the fun, we’ve invited members from other local WIs,
              frequently have had copy arriving several days late                          and non-members are also welcome. So, if you’d like to learn how to shake your
                                                                                           tail feathers, come and join us at 7.30pm on 15  May 2019 at Bere Regis Sports
              without advance warning.  It is also not uncommon that
              articles are sent with errors in so that replacements have to
              be re-sent, or I’m asked to make changes to what I have                      This  month  also  sees  the  start  of  our  annual,  afternoon  skittles  practices.    They
                                                                                           appear to do nothing to help raise our position in the league, but these informal,
              already received. This can be fiddly and confusing as                        light hearted sessions are great fun and everyone is welcome.  They’ll be held at
              well as hard to keep track of.                                               Winterborne Zelston Village Hall between 2pm and 4pm on Thursdays, 9th May,
                                                                                           13  June, 11  July and 8  August.  Drop in and join us, if you fancy having a go.
               The most time effective way of producing the mag is to                      There will of course be tea and cake!
                                                                                           If you’d like to find out about future meetings, or would just like more information
                                                                                           about the WI, please contact Di Pitts on 01929 471322.  You can see more about
                                                                                           our past meetings and activities on our Facebook page @BereRegisWI.

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