Page 25 - br-may2019
P. 25

May 2019                              May 2019

              wait until everything has been received, so that I can go
 Now that the weather is improving and the evenings are drawing out our   through it systematically, page by page.  If something
 thoughts turn to food that can be enjoyed both inside and in the garden.   has not arrived, or I haven’t been notified that it’s not
              coming, then I’m having to go back and forth, and can’t

              finalise the pagination until the last minute (it has to be
              formatted in multiples of four pages for print purposes).

    6 chicken pieces, bone in skin on    I fully appreciate that many of you have significant
 (thighs, breast, drumstick)
              demands on your own time, are also volunteers, and may
    Olive oil   be dealing with illness and personal challenges, so I
    2 good cloves of garlic   completely understand that.  I have, therefore, deliberated
    a lemon   long and hard about publishing this message but I do
              have my own demands to juggle as well, so I hope that
    a large handful of basil (about 30
 leaves)      this plea will be accommodated.
    a glass of white wine   I know too, that occasionally, email problems have caused
              things to be lost, but please do rest assured, that I always
 Season chicken and put in a roasting tin/  acknowledge with a simple ‘thank you’ reply, every time I
 oven dish.   get something.  If you don’t get this within a few days,
 Pour over enough olive oil to moisten chicken and coat the bottom of   then there may have been a problem.
 the dish.
               Thank you for your continued support though, we have a
 Squash the garlic in its skin and pop in with the chicken.
              great publication which is hugely appreciated by its
 Squeeze the lemon over the chicken and put the empty lemon shells in
 too.         readership.  Without you, there would be no magazine!
 Roast for thirty minutes in a pre heated oven at 200C/gas 6.    Kind regards
 Tear up the basil leaves and mix in with chicken, cook for a further ten    Alison
 Remove from oven, pour over wine then put the roasting tin over a hot
 flame and allow to bubble for a minute.
 Serve with a salad or mash potatoes, couscous, or bread  to soak up the

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