Page 16 - br-may2019
P. 16

May 2019                                                                             May 2019
       worthwhile.  It’s also a big help to me to know that it is God who has given us
       minds  and  has  made  a  world  which  is  to  be  investigated  and  discovered.    BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE
       Another  great  joy  for  me  is  the  sense  of  belonging  to  a  family,  people  who
       accept me and love me.  It shows me that God’s love is real.”
       Here  are  two  quotes  from C.S.Lewis,  the  author  whose  books  were  influential  in
       leading  Nigel    to  God.  “Christianity  is  a  statement  which,  if  false,  is  of  no   VILLAGE HALL NEWS
       importance: and if true, is of infinite importance.

        The only thing it cannot be is moderately important. “                              Artsreach
       “Now is our chance to choose the right side.  God is holding back to give us that    There  is  still  one  place  left  for  us  to  fill  on  the  8
       chance.  It won’t last forever.  We must take it or leave it.”                       may  promoters  event,  please  phone  Jenny
                                                                                            Beedle  on  01929  471002  if  you  are  interested  in

                                                                                            going along.
       Just a smile

       My grandson recently joined the Boys Brigade.  After the first meeting he said to
       his  Mum,  “They  take  their  hats  off  when  they  pray.”    His  mum  asked,  “Did  you   AGM
       pray?”  “I hadn’t got a hat”, was his reply.                                         The AGM will be held at the beginning of June this year as the trustees will be fully
                                                                                            stretched during May with preparations for the Open Gardens. The date for your

                                                                                            diary is June 5  2019. All members of the Parish (the area of benefit) are welcome
       Who says chivalry is dead?  I asked a nice young man if he could see me across       at 7.00 pm and if you would like to join the committee please let Allan Smith know
       the road, and he said, “I don’t know.  You go across and I’ll tell you.”
                                                                                            by telephoning 01929 471412.
                                                                                            Working for the Hall can be very rewarding (yes it involves plenty of work) as you
                                                                                            are ‘giving something back’. This is quite an old fashioned concept in times when
       BERE HEATH METHODIST                                                                 many people look out for ‘what’s in it for me’. A bit of time and effort intended to
                                                                                            improve and enhance the lives of others can actually make you feel good too,
       CHAPEL                                                                               and helping to build a caring and vibrant community is a worthwhile use of time.

        Our next Service at the Chapel is on May 5th and will be                            Open Gardens
        led by Mr Peter Jenner.

                                                                                            If  you  hadn't  already
        Our annual coffee morning is on Saturday 18  May 10.00
        -12.00. There will be the usual stalls and there will be lots                       heard  we  are  having  an
        of activities for children                                                          Open  Gardens  Day  on
                                                                                            June  2 .  We  are  still  on
        Please come and support our Chapel.                                                 the lookout for volunteers
                                                                                            to help on the day. Cindy
        Everyone is welcome.
                                                                                            is already out on the trail
                                                                                            of  cake  makers,  but  we
                                                                                            need  people  to  help  in
         For more information contact the stewards: Karen Smith (01929 471339), Caroline    the  kitchen  on  the  day,
        Harrison (01929 471378).                                                            wai tresses,   washer
                                                                                            uppers,   servers,   and
                                                                                            general   dogsbodies.
                                                                                            Anyone    who   would

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