Page 13 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 13

March 2021                            March 2021
 enabled  us  to  achieve  through  this  pandemic  but  that  we’ll  continue  to  meet
 together there and enjoy the company of neighbours and friends when this is all   OBITUARIES
                the  trade  of  carpentry.  His  uncle  Jack  also  worked  there  as  a
 The embroidery work that so many of you took part in is nearly complete and just   painter.
 waiting for it’s case so that it can go on display as a reminder of how we all came
 together during this time with a common “thread” of caring for one another, and   He worked at Parsons until he was 20, and he was then called up for National
 I’m  looking  forward  to  seeing  it  hanging  in  the  hall  along  with  the  other  items   Service.  He  trained  as  a  cook  in  the  army,  and  spent  most  of  his  time  in
 reflecting on the history of this place. By next month some of us may be having our   Germany working in an officers mess.
 second jab, the clocks will have sprung forward, the lighter nights will be here and   When  he  returned  to  Bladen  Valley,  he  returned  to  carpentry  but  this  time
 all  being  well  a  lighter  heart  and  spirit  of  optimism  heading  into  spring  and
        working for Barnes of Bere Regis.
        However the real love of his life was his vintage motor bikes. He rode bikes all
 The light at the end of the tunnel is a little brighter every day and the moment the
        his life and owned many over the years. In 1967, Ivan and two friends decided
 village hall can truly spring back into life for us all gets nearer all the time. Again a   to  start  up  a  Dorset  section  of  the  vintage  bike  club  after  getting  bored
 huge thank you to all my fellow trustees that have carried on way past the annual   travelling  to  Somerset  once  a  month  for  meetings.  So  on  the  14  September
 term of office to see us through this time. Some time this year we hope to have a   1967 the first ever meeting of the Dorset Vintage Bike Club took place at the
 long  overdue  AGM,  and  to  also  give  some  thoughts  to  the  many  activities  that   Black Dog in Broadmayne. Then in 1968 the section gained its status and the
 take  place  in  the  hall.  2021  would  ordinarily  have  been  open  gardens  but  the   rest is history as they say.
 trustees took the view that even if restrictions were to be lifted it was way to soon
 to be actively encouraging large numbers of visitors to descend upon us whatever   Ivan was the last of the founding members.
 the financial benefits may have brought but hopefully we will be able to consider
 plans for 2022, once it’s safe to do so this place is to beautiful to keep to ourselves   He left Bladen Valley after 57 years in 1995, after his father passed away, and
 and I hope we will once again be able to welcome others to come and sample a   moved to New Road in Wool. But he kept his ties to Briantspuddle as he kept
 little  of  what  makes  this  place  special.  The  beauty  of  our  countryside  and  the   his workshop in Throop until he retired.
 friendliness of our community.   He enjoyed his home in Wool and would often chat to neighbours, but would
        return to Briantspuddle once a month in his retirement to meet old friends at
 Stuart Chorley, Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees
        the ‘Lets Lunch' in Briantspuddle Village Hall.
 Mobile 07818078191 Email
        Unfortunately, retirement wasn't kind to Ivan, and he had a few illnesses over
        the years, but he never grumbled and carried on. He still made time to go to
 BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE SHOP – NOT   the  local  school  to  talk  about  his  Dad's  role  in  world  war  two,  showing  the
        children his Dad's war photos.
        I'll  always  remember  Ivan  for  Christmases  in  our  family  home  in  Dorchester.
        He'd  always  make  the  Xmas  pudding,  lighting  it  with  brandy  ....but  the
        highlight  was  the  indoor  fireworks.  Every  Xmas  evening  he'd  bring  out  the
 The village shop and post office continue to deliver a   indoor fireworks and fill the front room with smoke!!
 wide range of fresh  produce.  At  the end of January,
 we supplied Haggis to those who wanted to celebrate   For  myself  I'll  always  remember  him  as  a  kind  and
 Burns Night in a traditional way. In February there were   gentle man.
 Tulips  and  Daffodils  and  not  just  for  the  Valentines
 amongst us.   Nephew Paul Curran, niece Jane and sister Phyllis
 Currently looking forward to Easter, there will, I’m sure,
 be hot cross buns and Easter eggs. I will make sure we
 order  some  marzipan  for  those  wishing  to  make  a
 Simnel cake.

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