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March 2021                                                                          March 2021

                                OBITUARIES                                                                                                         We  continue  to
                                                                                                                                                   be  blessed  with
                                                                                                                                                   support  from  our
                 ROSEMARY CAROLINE TURNER                                                                                                          volunteers   and
                                                                                                                                                   customers   alike.
        29 March 1941  -  12 January 2021                                                                                                          The seven days a
                                                                                                                                                   week   operation

                                                                                                                                                   that   provides
        Rosemary and Richard moved to Bere Regis in South Mead when our mother                                                                     stock   on   the
        moved into the pair of semi-detached houses in Turberville Road.  The move to                                                              shelves     and
        Dorset was a coming home as both Grandmothers had come from this area.                                                                     customers  in  the
                                                                                                                                                   shop  is  no  mean
        Soon after our arrival, Rosemary joined me as a member of Came Down Golf                                                                   feat.
        Club between Dorchester and Weymouth. She enjoyed her golf and after a
        few  years  joined  the  Ladies  Committee,  ending  up  as  Ladies  Captain.    We                                                        We  are  grateful
        spent many hours playing golf locally and to many different courses in the UK                                                              to  Ian  Freeman
        and worldwide.  She enjoyed travelling to different countries for our holidays.     for  his  article  in  the  wildlife  newsletter  about  the  benefits  of  Venison  and  have
                                                                                            seen an increase in orders. You can order Venison from the shop for delivery on a
        She  enjoyed  being  a  member  of  the  Bere  Regis  Gardening  Club  and          Wednesday and Saturday.
        attending  concerts  around  the  area.    She  also  went  to  the  Drax  Folk  Club
        which played the music she enjoyed.  We thank the organisers who, over the          The range of fresh fruit and veg on a Wednesday and Saturday is also definitely
        years, have worked hard to keep these running.                                      worth  a  visit  to  the  shop.  It  always  looks  amazing  and  is  such  good  quality.
                                                                                            Personally,  the  Romanesque  cauliflower  has  become  a  firm  favourite  and  its
        Rosemary met many fellow dog walkers when out with our dogs and a special           great to give vegetables we’ve not tried before a go.
        thank you to Brian May for providing us all with such a special area for us to
        exercise our dogs and ourselves on.                                                 If you’d like to get more involved in the running of the shop, please get in touch.
                                                                                            There are always things to do. Whether it’s a shift in the shop, collecting bread,
        So after a gallant fight against the dreaded cancer, it was that which caused       meat  and  papers,  or  giving  the  shelves  a  clean  we  would  appreciate  your
        her death.
                                                              Richard and Fred
                                                                                            Thank you for continuing to support the Village shop.

                                                                                            To place an order please contact us on 01929 472000 during opening hours and
                                                                                            by  email  You  can  collect  or  we’re  happy  to
        IVAN JOHN COX    ‘SAM'
        Ivan John Cox was born on the 17  May at 15 Bladen Valley, Briantspuddle to
        Olive  and  Sam  Cox.  He  was  the  youngest  of  three  and  grew  up  around           Ali Chorley, Chair, The friends of Briantspuddle post office and village shop
        Affpuddle and Briantspuddle.
        He  went  to  school  in  Affpuddle  and  then  to
        Puddletown, and I remember him telling me that they
        would  call  one  of  the  teachers  at  Puddletown
        ‘Rubber  Neck  Bailey'  because  he  was  so  tall  and
        would look over the school wall to see who had gone
        to the local shop!

        Ivan  left  school  at  14  and  took  a  five  year
        appreticeship  with  Parsons  of  Puddletown,  learning

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