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March 2021                                                                          March 2021

       most of Wiltshire, Dorset, Poole and parts of Bournemouth as well as a small part   Road safety in The Hollow
       Hampshire  and  one  parish  in  Devon. In  more  normal  times  the  Diocese  has  442   Several  items  of  correspondence
       parishes  with  570  churches,  150  new  ways  of  being  church  and  196  Church   have  been  received  from  residents
       schools and academies. This year we also welcome the Church of England in the
                                                                                           who  were  concerned  about  the
       Channel Islands.                                                                    safety  of  pedestrians  and  road  users
       The Bishop of Salisbury is a Foundation Trustee of Sarum College and serves on the   due  to  the  amount  of  straw  which is
                                                                                           collecting  in  The  Hollow  from
       College Council. He is President of Marlborough College and Vice President of the
       Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust and Dorset Historic Churches Trust. Bishop Nicholas   agricultural  vehicles.    Councillors
       is  a  Patron  of  local  charities  including  Alabaré,  The  Footprints  Project  and,  with   concluded that it was not practical to
       Helen, of Children’s Chance.                                                        use tarpaulin to secure the straw load
                                                                                           on trailers.  It is thought that a better
       Nationally,  since  2014  Bishop  Nicholas  has  been  the  Church  of  England’s  lead   option  would  be  to  cut  back  the
       bishop  on  the  environment  and  chairs  the  Environmental  Working  Group.  From   overhead  branches  which  are
       2013  to  2018  he  chaired  the  Committee  for  Ministry  with  and  among  Deaf  and   dragging the straw from trailers. Councillors agreed to write to Dorset Council to
       Disabled People. He has been a member of several working groups and was on          ask them to remove low hanging branches and cut back the vegetation along
       the  coordinating  group  of ‘Living  in  Love  and  Faith’.  Since  2015  he has  been  a   the road.
       member of the House of Lords. He is an active supporter of Christian Aid, a Vice
       President  of  The  Children’s  Society,  The  National  Churches  Trust  and  The  Royal
       School of Church Music, and Patron of the Museum of Homelessness.                   Community concerns
       Bishop Nicholas has strongly supported our diocesan links in Latvia, Evreux, Sudan   Councillors  discussed  the  standard  of  waste  collections  in  the  area  and
       and  South  Sudan  and  the  embryonic  rural  ministry  link  with  the  Diocese  of   particularly  how  bins  are  being  returned  after  being  emptied.  Councillors  are
       Haderslev  in  Denmark.  He  has  contributed  to  the  Anglican  Communion’s       grateful  to  Dorset  Waste  Partnership  for  ensuring  that  collections  continued  as
       Environmental Network and the European Churches Environmental Network. He is        usual  throughout  the  pandemic  but  would  like  to  request  that  more  care  and
       an Ambassador for Hope Cathedral in Norway.                                         attention is taken to return bins undamaged to where they were left.
       As part of the Diocese’s Renewing Hope – Pray, Serve, Grow, since 2015 there has    Motorbiking remains a concern in forest areas along footpaths which should not
       been  a  significant  increase  in  the  number  of  those  exploring  vocations  to   be used by vehicles. The Police will be asked to carry out spot checks in the main
       authorised ministry, both lay and ordained. One of Bishop Nicholas’ responsibilities   locations where this is known to be an issue, but residents are reminded that it is
       within  the  Diocese  is  to  be  the  Sponsoring  Bishop  for  those  seeking  ordination.   helpful if incidents are reported to the Police with details of times, days, locations
       Bishop Andrew will take on this responsibility from the 1  March 2021, at least until   and a description and numberplate if possible. The quickest way to make a report
       the arrival of the new diocesan bishop.                                             is usually through the website .
       We will have to see what is possible nearer the time, but Bishop Nicholas hopes to
       preside at the ordinations of deacons and priests on 26  and 27  June 2021 and      Next Meeting
       his last service in the Diocese will be Evensong in the Cathedral on Saturday 3rd
       July 2021.                                                                          The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7pm on Wednesday 10th
                                                                                           March 2021. Please check the Parish Council section of the Community Website
       During the vacancy, Bishop Karen will be the acting Bishop of Salisbury.            nearer the time for the agenda and information about how to join the meeting
                                                                                           which will be held remotely. Members of the public wishing to raise issues or make
       The Vacancy in See process will begin shortly, and it is currently anticipated that
       the  Crown  Nominations  Commission  will  meet  in  the  autumn.  The  Chair  of  the   representation in respect of any agenda item will have an opportunity to do so at
       Vacancy  in  See  Committee  is  the  Dean  of  Salisbury,  The  Very  Revd  Nicholas   the meeting. Alternatively, anyone who wishes to may contact the Parish Clerk in
       Papadopulos.                                                                        advance of the meeting. Ideally correspondence should be received at least a
                                                                                           week in advance as it will not be possible to add items to the agenda once it has
                                                                                           been set.
                                                                                                                                                 Sue Jones, Chairman

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