Page 11 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 11

March 2021                            March 2021

       Lent  has  arrived,  and  a  feeling  that
       the  fields  are  ready  to  unfurl  again.
       We  have  been  wintering  in
       confinement  and  uncertainty,  weary
       of the indoors and all too familiar with
       these four walls. But the barn doors of
       daylight  are  slowly  being  hauled
       open  and  it  is  a  relief  to  be
       approaching  the  spring  once  more,
       even  if  it  reminds  us  how  long  we
       have  been  living  with  this
       extraordinary new life.

       The approach to Lent called attention
       to  our  longings  and  desires  –  from
       Simeon  and  Anna  at  Candlemas,
       patiently waiting for the consolation of their people, to the wilderness temptations
       of Christ. Thirty years on, he embarks upon his ministry with acute awareness of all
       that might draw him away, winning the battle to assert that his first and only true
       appetite  is  for  God,  his  Father.  This  is  why  some  of  us  fast,  of  course:  not  to  be
       slimmer or more successfully devout, but to reorder our priorities and insist upon
       seeking first the kingdom of heaven.
       It is most encouraging – and often most effective – to do this in the little things. To
       address the countless small choices we make each day, almost without thinking.
       What  we  decide  to  buy,  how  we  drive,  or  speak  to  others  on  the  phone;
 The  Parish  Council  meeting  on  10th  February  was  once  again  held  remotely  in   remembering to turn, however briefly, to Christ before the difficult encounter. To
 order  to  comply  with  Government  social  distancing  guidance.  Until  restrictions   adapt  an  old  maxim,  if  we  offer  the  minutes  to  God,  the  hours  will  look  after
 around  movement  and  public  gatherings  are  lifted,  the  Parish  Council  will  be   themselves.
 holding all meetings remotely.
       And before our own efforts, of course, we are reminded that the Lord goes before

       us, daily supplying our needs. Much has been taken away in recent months: may
 Lockdown guidance   the onset of spring bring a renewal of your strength and hope, by the grace and
       mercy of God.
 The Parish Council has been made aware of concerns from residents about the
 number  of  visitors  to  the  Parish  during  Lockdown.    It  appears  that  a  significant   With the assurance of my prayers,
 number of visitors are travelling to the area to exercise rather than staying close to   +Andrew
 home.  The Parish Council has received a poster from Dorset Council which will be
 displayed on noticeboards and the Community Website as a reminder of current
 Government Guidance.

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