Page 18 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 18

March 2021                                                                          March 2021

                                                                                           always  home  before  it's  dark.  It
                                                                                           served  her  right  tonight  though.
                                                                                           Perhaps she will think twice before
                                                                                           she does it again.
                                                                                           I hope you write another piece for
                                                                                           the next magazine. My owner likes
                                                                                           reading  it,  makes  a  change  from
                                                                                           the present conversation. She says
                                                                                           everyone is obsessed with knowing
                                                                                           whether  she  has  had/got  an
                                                                                           appointment for the vaccine. Then
                                                                                           delight in telling her the names  of
                                                                                           half  the  people  in  the  village,
                                                                                           which  day  and  time  they  are
                                                                                           going or if they've been, then the whole procedure from arrival to departure. She
                                                                                           has got an appointment herself, and is pleased about it and the way it is being
                                                                                           rolled out, just finds it a bit tedious when it is the only thing being discussed. It just
                                                                                           shows how important it is in people's lives at present though, and she really hopes it
                                                                                           signals  the  beginning  of  the  end  of  this  dreadful  thing.  At  least  having  me  must
                                                                                           have cheered her up a bit this last year.
                                                                                           We hope you and your owner stay safe and well


                                                                                           And here is Jenny’s reply

                                                                                           Dear Honey,
                                                                                           I was so excited to get your email.  It is my first fan letter.  Proves that cats can read
                                                                                           and  write.   I am  so  pleased  that  you  have  been  happily  re-homed  with  such a
                                                                                           lovely caring lady.  You must be a great companion for her.  My owner talks to me
                                                                                           all  the  time.    She  has  this  conversation  which  goes  -  what  am  I  going  to  wear
                                                                                           today?  blue or red Jumper? - I am so desperate for her to get on and get dressed
                                                                                           I couldn't really give a dam.
                                                                                            I was fascinated to hear about the pile of freshly ironed clothes.  We don't have
                                                                                           those  in  our  house.    There  is  an  ironing  board.    This  is  always  up  in  the  spare
                                                                                           room  and only put away (only if someone comes).  My owner occasionally irons
                                                                                           something  and  wears  it  immediately.    Last  Summer  she  invested  in  a  clothes
                                                                                           steamer from amazon.  It is still in its box.

                                                                                           I loved your account of getting on the church zoom.  My owner tries to get me to
                                                                                           go on zoom but usually I am trying to attract her attention so that I get my supper I

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