Page 16 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 16

March 2021                                                                          March 2021

       roasted  on  a  gridiron.  There  is  a  memorial  in  the  chancel  to  Edward  Laurence,   CRICKET AND VACCINATIONS
       who died aged seventeen in 1751, a descendant of Sir Oliver. One of the family
       became through marriage an ancestor of George Washington, and the claim is          Its 4.30 in the morning and we are watching cricket from India.  England are losing
       made that the bars and stars in the Laurence family arms became the stars and       this test match.   I get quite confused by watching cricket this time of day.  It is still
       stripes of the American flag. The same family and claim are associated with the     dark  at  lunch.  I  have  to  go  for  my  morning  walk  during  the  tea  interval.    She
       church at Steeple.                                                                  communicates with her cricket friends on Whats App commenting on the game
                                                                                           as it unfolds.  It’s live on TV channel four but there is no live BBC commentary.
       There are two fonts, both Norman, one square, one round, at either end of the
       north aisle. The round one, with tapering sides, is from Turnerspuddle, moved when   Well at the time of writing Valentines Day has come and gone.  It has been very
       the church became redundant. Bits of the original rood screen are included in the   cold.    We  have  not  had  any  snow  apart  from  a  bit  of  a  dusting  one  morning.
       screen which divides the so-called Lady Chapel, at the aisle’s east end, from the   Yesterday  the  Ice  in  the  bucket  outside  melted.    We  have  more  daylight.    My
       nave. The rood screen is also starkly recalled by the functionless gap in the wall   Owner thinks we have more winter to come.  We are still in Lockdown.  Life is very
       beside  the  pulpit  which  once  led  to  it  from  the  stairs  below.  The  tower  arch  is   dull and the weeks and days drag by.
       panelled on the inner, or soffit, side, as is the local way. The colourful reredos was
       made  –  as  was  the  Crucifixion  sculpture  in  the  churchyard  –  by  Loughnan   At  the  end  of  January  my  owner  got  together  on  zoom  for  a  Burns  night
       Pendred.  These  and  other  ornaments  were  the  gifts  of  Sir  Ernest  Debenham,   celebration.    There  they  were  in  front  of  their  respective  screens  hacking  into
       founder of the great London drapery store.  A very practical tycoon, he bought      haggis, reciting poetry, doing Scottish quizzes laughing and drinking whisky.  She
       the  Briantspuddle  estate  in  1914,  and  created  the  Arts-and-Crafts  village  of  the   had a bit of a hangover next morning. I had haggis for breakfast.  Very nice!
       same name, complete with milk factory, a mile downstream from Affpuddle. After      Following the success of that evening they are venturing to do a  William Barnes
       his death in 1952 the estate was sold off in small lots.                            Night on 22  February (his birthday).  There will be Dorset songs and Music, Barnes
                                                                                           Poetry, and a Dorset Quiz.  There will be a toast to the Blue Vinny Cheese and they
                                                                                           will eat watercress Soup, Venison casserole and Dorset Apple Cake.  This event is
                                                                                           being  planned  on  zoom  and  my  owner  was  told  she  had  NO  AUTHORITY  to
                                                                                           allocate tasks!  It was all a laugh as the media has been so obsessed with a Parish
                                                                                           Council  meeting  and  a  lady  called  Jackie  Weaver  who  just  banished  Council
                                                                                           members  to  the  Waiting  room  when  they  were  rude  and  abusive.    My  owner
                                                                                           wonders who would get banished from Bere Regis Council meetings.  Maybe she
                                                                                           should attend.
                                                                                                                                      Whilst  Valentines  Day  did  not
                                                                                                                                      produce any cards for either me
                                                                                                                                      or my owner, but I have received
                                                                                                                                      some fan mail from a Cat called
                                                                                                                                      ‘Honey’.    It  just  proves  that  cats
                                                                                                                                      can read and write.  She spends
                                                                                                                                      all  her  time  lying  around  on
                                                                                                                                      ironing or visiting the neighbours.
                                                                                                                                      I wrote back and told her that we
                                                                                                                                      do not have ironing in our house.
                                                                                                                                      Honey  went  on  to  tell  me  that
                                                                                                                                      she gate crashed a zoom church
                                                                                                                                      service  by  sitting  on  her  owners
                                                                                                                                      lap.    She  even  met  a  bishop.    I
                                                                                                                                      was impressed.  Cats seem to be
                                                                                                                                      getting  in  on  everything.    One
                                                                                           even impersonated a Lawyer in America and got to appear in court.  My owner

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