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March 2021                            March 2021

 ‘YOU DON’T KNOW ME BUT…’   “I look forward to working with Bishop Karen - and the Dean, Diocesan Secretary
       and  Archdeacons  -  to  renew  hope  at  a  time  of  unprecedented  transition.  Our
       Lord is near."
       Diocesan Secretary David Pain added:
 reaches out with   “Bishop Nicholas has been an inspiration and encouragement to many, within and
       beyond the church. I have experienced him as able to both affirm what is good in
 new Telephone
       all that we inherit and at the same time envision and encourage change where it
 Theatre Play   is needed.
 Dorset’s  rural  touring   “His vision for ‘Renewing Hope’ has shaped the Diocese and is as relevant now as
 arts  charity,  Artsreach,   ever. In a fast-changing context his belief that the local church is the place where
 is  pleased  to  present   the Church of England is at its best will continue to be important as we all seek to
 Stute  Theatre’s  ‘You   respond to God’s calling on our lives. Nationally, in church and parliament, he has
 Don’t Know Me But…’,   been  a  great  advocate  for  climate  justice  as  well  as  a  champion  for  inclusion
 a  new  show  written   which will remain fundamental to our shared future. His wisdom in these and many
 and performed by winning theatre maker Sophia Hatfield and directed by Olivier   other areas will be greatly missed.
 Award Winning Theatre and BBC Radio Director Gwenda Hughes.
       “People across the Diocese will want, I am sure, to unite in wishing him and Helen
 Performed  live  over  the  telephone,  this  innovative  piece  allows  audience   every happiness as they prepare for retirement.”
 members the opportunity to experience a real live theatre performance from the
 comfort  of  their  own  home,  at  a  time  when  live  face-to-face  theatre  is  not   The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, today thanked Bishop Nicholas for his
 possible.   work leading the Church of England’s Environment programme, saying:
 Meet  Vick.  Care  giver,  Mother,  Partner  and  Daughter.  You’ve  almost  certainly   “During Bishop Nick’s tenure as lead bishop for the environment, his moral clarity
 walked past her in the street, stood behind her in a queue or driven past her in   and Christ-centred vision for the Church’s role in tackling the climate crisis have
 your car. Now take the time to delve a little deeper and experience a day in her   shown  themselves  time  and  time  again.  We  are  all  the  beneficiaries  of  his
 life.   leadership, and I give thanks for the legacy he leaves: from the Church’s first ever
       Green Lent campaign, to initiatives aimed at helping parishes reduce their carbon
 Vick is a care worker in a residential home. As her working day progresses, hear   footprint. Most enduringly, I hope, we have Bishop Nick to thank for a landmark
 her running from place to place, helping residents to dress, keeping them calm   General Synod motion in 2020 setting a target of net zero across the whole Church
 and offering a friendly ear to talk to. But today, something is different. The day’s   by 2030.
 encounters  gradually  uncover  a  deeply  hidden  memory  and  Vick  finds  herself
 transported  back  to  her  childhood,  where  a  traumatic  incident  changes  her   “I  am  deeply  grateful  to  him  for  his  tireless  work  and  colleagueship  as  a  fellow
 outlook forever...   bishop, and for leading the Church’s Environment Programme through a time of
       enormous  growth.  Both  he  and  his  family  will  be  much  in  my  prayers  as  he

 Inspired by real memories and   prepares  for  the  next  stage  of  his  ministry,  as  will  everyone  in  the  Diocese  of
 interviews from a care home,   Salisbury as they prepare to say farewell to Nick and Helen in the summer.”
 this  innovative  and  intimate

 20-minute   audio   play
 highlights  unsung  stories  of   Notes
 everyday   care   across
 generations  and  celebrates   Nicholas Holtam was ordained Deacon in 1979, Priest in 1980 and Bishop in 2011.
 the  dedication  and  spirit  of   He served as Assistant Curate at St Dunstan and All Saints Stepney (1979-83); Tutor
 workers and residents in care   in  Christian  Ethics  and  Mission  at  Lincoln  Theological  College  (1983-87);  Vicar  of
 homes  across  the  UK.  Expect   Christ and St John with St Luke’s Isle of Dogs (1988-95); and Vicar of St Martin-in-the
 live  music,  beautiful  writing   -Fields  (1995-2011).  As  Bishop  of  Salisbury,  he  has  led  the  Diocese  which  covers

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