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March 2021                                                                          March 2021

       be able to get to know them better and work with them for longer. The Diocese is     and  immersive  sound  effects  in  this  unique  approach  to  socially  distanced
       glad to have them with us and we pray the relationship will deepen and be a          theatre.
       blessing to us all.
                                                                                            Writer/performer Sophia of Stute Theatre said:  “It’s a privilege to perform such a
       “When we came to Salisbury in 2011, Helen had just retired as a Maths teacher.       relevant  play  and  highlight  the  often  hidden  stories  of care  and the  wonderful
       She has supported me particularly through hospitality and fundraising in The South   contribution care workers make to society.”
       Canonry  and  in  the  beautiful  garden,  notably  running  the  Sudan  fete.  She  has
       maintained her Quaker membership at Salisbury Quaker Meeting throughout our          There are just 30 telephone performances slots available for You Don’t Know Me
       time  here.  She  established  a  weekly  origami  workshop  for  prisoners  at  HMP   But,  between  3pm  and  7pm  on  the  15,  16,  27,  27  and  28  March.  Booking  is
       Erlestoke  selling  their  cards  to  raise  funds  for  prisoner  rehabilitation.  Helen  has   essential and this play is suitable for ages 16+. Find out more and secure one of
       been a major part of what I have been able to do and I am grateful for her and       these limited tickets by visiting the Artsreach website or by
       our  family’s  support.  We  look  forward  to  retiring  to  Brighton  to  be  closer  to  our   calling 01305 269512.
       children and grandchildren.”                                                         “Beautifully  presented.  The  atmosphere  of  theatre,  with  a  lovely  individual
                                                                                            experience” Audience Member, July 2020
       Senior Diocesan leaders praise Bishop Nicholas' contribution
       as he announces his retirement

       Bishops  Karen  and  Andrew,  and  our  Diocesan  Secretary,  have  praised  the
       contribution  of  Bishop  Nicholas  to  the  life  and  vision  of  the  Diocese  as  he
       announced his retirement as Bishop of Salisbury.                                    REMINISCENCES FROM BRIANTSPUDDLE.
       Bishop  Karen,  who  will  be  the  acting  Bishop  of  Salisbury  during  the  vacancy,
       spoke on behalf of the Diocese, saying:                                             In August 2014 a very successful exhibition
       “Bishop  Nicholas  has  brought  a  rich  and  wise  attentiveness  to  the  Diocese  of   was  held  in  Briantspuddle  Village  Hall  to
       Salisbury over the last 10 years for which we are extremely grateful. His vision to   celebrate  the  100   anniversary  of  the
       renew hope has led to a sharing of his interests in the environment, inclusion, and   founding  of  the  Bladen  Estate  by  Ernest
                                                                                           Debenham.       Following   this   many
       the arts with us all.
                                                                                           memories from various families who lived
       “Nick is held in high regard across the Church of England and his national roles    and  had  lived  in  the  village  surfaced.
       have  informed  us  locally.  His  thoughtful  faith  continues  to  inspire  people  across   Several  of  these  were  about  the  Toms
       Wiltshire,  Dorset  and  beyond  and  his  deep commitment  to  us  all  and  the  local   family  who  had  lived  in  and  had
       church  has  enabled  the  Diocese  to  remain  resilient  in  spirit  during  challenging   connections  to  the  village  for  several
       times.                                                                              generations.
       “Helen  has  had  her  own  ministry  which  has  also  been  much  appreciated  with   One,  from  a  cutting  from  a  local
       many enjoying her warm hospitality, care, origami and baking. We are pleased to     newspaper  dated  1937  describes  the
       have them with us for a little while longer and shall miss both of them very much,   resentment  felt  by  Mr  John  Toms,  the
       wishing them a very happy retirement in July.”                                      local  clockmaker,  when  he  was  refused
                                                                                           the  renewal  of  his  insurance  for  his
       Bishop Andrew said:
                                                                                           motorbike, owing to the fact that he was
       "Bishop  Nicholas  has  led  the  Diocese  of  Salisbury  with  wisdom  and  unstinting   84  years  old.  He  appealed  to  the
       devotion. The news of his forthcoming retirement will be greeted with sadness yet   Department  of  Transport  stating  that    he
       also  much  gratitude  -  for  his  deep  confidence  in  the  local  church  and  the   was perfectly fit and well, but to no avail.
       Godliness and generosity of his vision. He and Helen will be greatly missed.        He   was   in   fact   England’s   oldest
                                                                                           motorcyclist  at  the  time!  Previously,

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