Page 15 - br-mar-2021 (1)
P. 15

March 2021                            March 2021

 loved it when he stood there with a cat filter on telling the judge he was there and   chancel’s  south  wall.  A  third
 he was not a cat.     survival  is  the  fine  doorway
       within the south porch, with its
 Honey told me that the talk in their village was all about vaccinations.  Who When
 and where?    What vaccine?  It is the one thing they all have in common now.    broad,   point-topped   trefoil
 It’s all, my owner and her friends talk about on zoom.  My owner went two days   and carved plant design in the
 ago.  She went to Wareham Hospital and had the Biontec Pfizer jab and seemed   spandrels. These three features
 to meet half of Bere Regis down there.  It was a village social!   have,  doubtless,  over  the
       centuries,   been   removed,
 I overheard her telling her zoom mates   restored and replaced in new-
 that  she  thought  she  had  mislaid  her     built walls, but their shapes and
 glasses in Tescos.  She had taken them   mouldings  put  them  firmly
 off,  as  they  had  steamed  up  with  the   back in the early 13th century,
 mask, and then couldn’t find them.  She   high  point  of  the  Early  English
 searched  the  shopping,  the  bags,  re-  style.
 traced her steps and was just getting a
 bit  panicky  and  spoke  to  the  security   Inside,  the  eye  is  caught  at  once  by  the  lumpy,  glinting  turbulence  of  carved
 guard, who very gently pointed out that   wooden  bench-ends:  flowers  and  leaves,  beads  and  bands,  swirls  and  swathes
 she was still wearing them on her head!    and splaying inflorescences, some linenfold panels and, on the eastmost bench of
 Going  Ga  Ga!!    Some  days  you  wake   the north aisle, an inscription explaining ‘These seatys were made in the yere of
 up  and  you  don’t  know  what  day  of   our Lord God MCCCCCXLVII. The tyme of Thomas Lylinton, vicar of this Cherche’.
 the week it is. Weekdays, weekends all   (The Roman numerals for the year 1547 would normally be MDXLVII). Lylinton, or
 the  same.    The  week  for  her  is   Lillington,  had  been  a  monk  of  Cerne  Abbey,  which had  owned  the  Affpuddle
 punctuated  by  TV  programmes  and   estate since Saxon times. The abbot appointed him vicar in 1534, the year made
       ominous by Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy, whereby he created himself supreme
 zoom  sessions,  for  me  its  days  out  with
 the Dog walker.   head of the Church of England.
       For several years the heads of the great rolled  –  Thomas More’s,  Anne Boleyn’s,
 The other night walking back home the   Thomas  Cromwell’s.  Colour,  incense,  sound,  idols,  some  furniture  were  excluded
 street  was  full  of  people  clapping  and
 cheering for the life of Captain Sir Tom   from  the  church.  Chancels,  considered  chambers  of Romish  hocus-pocus,  were
 Moore,  our  Covid  hero,  it  was  just  like   blocked off. The English bible and prayer book came in, frightening simple souls
 last year when we clapped for the NHS.    since Latin sounded to the rustic ear both inscrutable and just right. From 1539 the
 He was a remarkable man.   monasteries went, Cerne Abbey and about 3000 others, sold off to highest bidders
       or  useful  favourites.  Sir  Oliver  Laurence  bought  Affpuddle.  But  Lillington,
 The News has been full of the impeachment of Donald Trump.  Virus infections and   remarkably,  was  still  vicar  in  1552,  commissioning  these  carvings  while  the
 deaths are falling and the debate is looking ahead to the end of Lockdown.  A   Reformation shook the land. He may have ordered the pulpit and its carvings too,
 road map is being announced next week and it is hoped children will go back to   though  most  of  Dorset’s  carved  pulpits  have  come  down  from  the  early  17th
 school in March.  My owner has been making Marmalade with Blood Oranges.  I   century.  (Not  many  pre-Reformation  rural  churches  have  pulpits  at  all.  It  was
 have  been  for  walks  down  the  river  walk  and  Affpuddle  picnic  area.  We  are   Protestantism which made the sermon central to the service). The roundels on the
 hoping we can meet up outside for walks but until then we have to just get on   carved pulpit panels contain in four cases the symbols of the Evangelists, all given
 with  it.    At  least  we  are  better  off  than  most,  there  is  always  some  one  or   wings, and in the fifth a pelican, revered for its supposed Christian virtue in giving
 somewhere worse off.     its own blood to restore its young to life. The human figures above, often wrongly
       said  to  be  the  Evangelists,  are  a  puzzle.  One  looks  like  a  crowned  king,  three
 I share a birthday with William Barnes so will celebrate my 12  Birthday next week
 with  him.    I  won’t  get  venison  casserole,  probably  dog’s  dinner  like  every  other   others half-monk half-clown, and the fifth a wild man, possibly John the Baptist.
 day.   The Laurence family may be assumed to have given the church its dedication to
       St  Laurence,  a  3rd  century  Roman  priest  who,  told  to  hand  over  his  church’s
 Jenny Stone
       treasures, gathered the local poor and presented them. For this, naturally, he was

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