Page 72 - br-june-2021
P. 72

June 2021




         Village Hall Annual Report 2021
         What  a year! Cast  your  minds  back if you  will  to
         January  2020  when most  was  well with the  world
         and there was talk of a virus affecting parts of Asia.
         Jump to the 23  March 2020 and the prime minister
         announces the first lockdown ordering everyone to stay at home.
         The village hall hosted a meeting of all the parishes organisations able to attend.
         The meeting, organised by the parish council was to consider a parish response to
         covid 19.
         From that night on to the present time the village hall has been open every single
         day with the exception of Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

         The trustees  agreed  wholeheartedly  that  the village hall should  play  whatever
         part it could during this pandemic. All activities came to a halt, income dried up
         to  a trickle and  we  braced  ourselves for  what  was  to  come.  The  hall became a
         daily  sanctuary especially through the  early  spring  and  winter  months  enabling
         those  needing the shop and  post office to  wait  in  the  warm  and  dry whilst one
         person at a time was allowed to enter the shop, it also provided a safe space for
         a small amount of interaction with each other whilst queuing.
         We  had  just had  the kitchen,  jubilee room,  toilets  and  lobby areas  redecorated
         and  it  was  decided  that  whilst the  hall was not  available  for  hire it  would  be  a
         good opportunity to decorate the main hall providing a fully refreshed bright and
         fresh village hall for use once this was all over.

         Throughout the  last  year  as and  when government advice  and  or regulations
         have allowed  the  hall  has provided  a  “village hall  café” on  Tuesdays  and
         Saturdays.  An  opportunity  for  members of  our  community  to  come together,
         albeit  socially  distanced,  to enjoy  a  respite  from  isolation and  spend  an hour or
         two in the  company  of  others whilst also raising some funds towards  the running
         costs of the hall itself.
         It  has been a  place  where  daily  papers can  be collected  and  we  also  brought
         the food  bank  collection  from  the church  to  the  hall.  With the  very  generous
         support of our community that little plastic box as enabled considerable amounts

         Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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