Page 74 - br-june-2021
P. 74

June 2021

          provide a welcome drink, three course meal including wine and tea/coffee for £5
          per head. We were able to sit 29 people down in the hall and provide a further 13
          meals delivered to peoples homes where they were either specifically shielding or
          didn’t feel comfortable coming out. Once again a superb team of helpers set to
          and made it all possible, thank you.
          Through the year the village shop has  also  helped  us with  donations towards
          covering the cost of  keeping the cleaner  on and  with the provision of  hand
          sanitizer helping us to be able to provide a covid safe facility.
          Hopefully we are now seeing the beginning of the end of covid restrictions and as
          we move  forward  from  here I  am  looking  forward  to  some great  parties  and
          hoping that  some of  the  ways we  as a community  have all come together will
          continue.  We have some  amazing volunteers in all  the  organisations  in our
          community  and  working  together is so beneficial to all of  us.  As  in all times of
          adversity this year and covid has brought out the best in us.
          Anyone wanting to arrange a party or event in the hall, provisional bookings from
          the end  of  June  onwards are now  possible  and  we look forward  to  seeing
          everyone make the most of this wonderful asset we have.
                           Stuart Chorley , Chairman of Briantspuddle Village Hall Trustees



          Annual Meetings
          On the  5 th  May,  the parish  Council  held  (remotely)  the Annual Parish  Meeting
          which  is an  opportunity to all members  of  the  community  to gather and  discuss
          recent events and community issues.
          Chairman Sue Jones provided an update, which was a reflection on the work of
          organisations throughout the Parish since Covid restrictions and lockdowns began
          in  March 2020.  Organisations had  been invited  to  address the  meeting.  David
          Griffiths spoke  about the  work  of  the work  of  the Covid-19  Community Response
          Group, which was established in March of 2020 in response to the outbreak of the
          virus.  Reports were  also heard  from  Ali  Chorley  on behalf  of  the Village  Shop,
          Stuart  Chorley  on behalf  of  the  Village  Hall  and  Liz Whatley  on behalf  of  the
          Benefice of West Purbeck. Chairman Sue Jones then read out written reports that
          had  been  provided  from  the Erica  Trust,  Briantspuddle Community Group  and
          Bladen Social  Club.  All reports are  available on the  Briantspuddle  Community
          Website under the Parish Council section.

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