Page 76 - br-june-2021
P. 76

June 2021

          In addition, the PC would like to see owners ensuring that their roadside hedges
          are  kept cut  back,  allowing verge flora to  flourish unshaded.  More walking  and
          cycling locally  will be encouraged  as part  of the  DC Climate and  Ecological
          Emergency response to help reduce vehicle  emissions  whilst benefitting health
          and  wellbeing.  Attractive open verges will make these  activities safer  and  more

          Further Parish Council Meetings
          The Parish Council meeting on 5th of  May  was the  final meeting to  be  held
          remotely.  Remote council  meetings  are no longer permitted  under  current
          legislation,  so all  further  Parish Council  meetings will be held  face-to-face.  The
          Parish  Council is due to meet  again  on the 9th of  June which  is  before  all legal
          restrictions to  social interaction are due  to be lifted.  At the time of  writing,
          Councillors are discussing the possibility of rescheduling this meeting.  Please look
          out for more information on noticeboards and on the community website.

                                                               Sue Jones, Chairman

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