Page 75 - br-june-2021
P. 75

June 2021
       Following the  Annual Parish Meeting,  an Annual Meeting of  the Parish  Council
       was held, at which Sue Jones was re-elected as Chairman and Charles Barter was
       re-elected as Vice-Chairman.

       Throop Hollow Campsite
       It is understood that the landowner intends to hold the campsite in the same fields
       as  last  year.  Maps have  been sent to campers by  the organiser  in advance,
       directing them  through Throop  Clump to  avoid  an  increase  in  traffic  through

       Briantspuddle Amenity Complex Tenants

       The Parish  Council  last  year  agreed  to  offer  tenants a year  without  rental
       payments  to  the Parish Council.  Councillors  understood  the increased  financial
       pressures  that  had  arisen due  to  Coronavirus and  subsequent lockdowns and
       wanted  to do  what  they  could  to  support community  groups throughout this
       challenging time.  Although  we are approaching  a time when organisations will
       be able  to resume normal  operations,  the future is  still  uncertain.  As such  it  was
       agreed  that  this year,  all tenants  would  be offered  a  50%  reduction  in  the rent


       The Parish Council once  more
       has a focus  on road  verges.
       The PC is currently planning to
       extend  the “cut  and  collect”
       approach   carried  out  by
       Dorset Council to include the
       verge adjoining the Erica Trust
       land between the Sares Wood
       crossroads and  the Shop Hill/
       Bovington crossroads.  A  lot of
       this verge is  level and  flat  ensuring  that  DC’s  current equipment can function
       efficiently.  There  would  seem  to be a  good  likelihood  that  this  technique  will be
       expanded   as  part  of  DC’s  Climate and  Ecological Emergency response,
       hopefully with improved equipment as it has the potential to increase ecological
       value by  reducing verge soil nutrient levels and  replacing a flora sometimes
       dominated by a few plants such as cow parsley, nettles and docks to one with a
       greater range of flowering plants more common in the past often with attractive
       flowers. Associated wildlife should also benefit. At the same time this will allow DC
       to make carbon emission savings by not using so much fuel for cutting equipment
       as growth overall will be less vigorous.

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