Page 67 - br-june-2021
P. 67

June 2021
       pottering round  local towns.  She  goes  shopping or just does things  she  wouldn’t
       normally  do.  You meet  new people,  hear  different  gossip and  do something
       useful as  well.  They are desperate  for additional  volunteer drivers,  so if  you’re
       interested,  do see the advertisement  on page 31.  Dorchester County  museum
       reopens at  the end  of  the month following its substantial  refit  and  there  will be
       hours of  interest in  there.  This will  be a  good  place  for tourists to  go  on  wet  days
       and us in the winter.
       Following the  international Black  Lives  Matter Campaign,  the Drax  Arms  Pub has
       been  vandalized  with  Anti-Slavery Slogans.  My owner  had  thought that
       Charborough Park  might  have  been vulnerable  but it  was  surprising  that  the Pub
       was  targeted.  The Pub now  has no financial connection  with  the  Drax family
       whatsoever. What was the point?

        It occurs to her that this might be a good time to change the name of the Pub,
       now the Drax family is in the process of divesting itself of so many of its interests in
       the village.  Now  don’t  get  me wrong,  normally  she  hates the names of  pubs
       being changed as they are local landmarks and part of local history.  In this case
       one  must  remember  that  the Drax Arms  was  known  as  the  King’s Head  before
       1700.  Its  name  may  have  been changed  previously  because the  village  did  not
       want  its pub  to be  associated  with the  crime  of  regicide?  More likely the first
       name change came    when the  pub  was  purchased  by  the  Drax Family  and
       coincided with the family acquisition of their Arms

       My  owner  being whimsical tried  to think  of  a new modern  name  and  came  up
       with “The Bere Down” or “The Platinum Crown”.   It is probably better it stays as it is.
       We don’t want a “Boaty Mac Boatface” name disaster.

       It  was a  record  breaking  April  for  lack of  rain  and  cold  frosty nights.  Apart  from
       cutting the  grass about  every  two weeks  we have done no gardening this  year.
       She says we are waiting for things to warm up.  The ground is hard with 1 cm wide

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