Page 68 - br-june-2021
P. 68

June 2021

          cracks and  the foliage on the trees  appears brown shriveled  and  late.  The
          bluebell carpets  are  late.  We are  now  getting April  showers in  May.  The
          gardeners  and  farmers think  everything  is about a month  behind.  There is  very
          little grass for the  farmers to  make  silage.  The soft  fruit  harvest  will be  affected.
          My  owner worries  that  the  erupting St Vincent Volcano ash in the  higher
          atmosphere will cause us to have a wet summer.  She needs to get out more.  She
          still worries about everything at the moment.

                                                 We  have had  local elections.  The
                                                 local polling station was at the Bere

                                                 Regis  Sports Club.  We  went  down
                                                 to  vote but  had  to come home as
                                                 she forgot her mask and the pencil.
                                                 Two walks up North Street that day.
                                                 I had a great time barking at all the
                                                 voters walking  up the  street.  Our
                                                 magazine Editor,  Alison,  took this
                                                 photo   of  me  waiting  patiently
                                                 outside the Sports Club.

                                                 Since then  we  have had  non stop
                                                 analysis  and  coverage  on  the
          News.  With  such  a low  turnout in  England  it  beats me  how  the  newscasters can
          go on and  on accurately  predicting  what  will happen  in a General election
          basing their calculations on a 36 per cent turnout.  I suppose they factor that into
          the calculations
          Looking ahead  there are  more  changes  coming,
          firstly, a future change of ownership at Court Green
          Farm.  We went  down there  for  a walk  to see  the
          newly arrived cattle.  The farmer tells my owner that
          the magnificent Hereford  bull is  called  “Otis”.  His
          heifers when  they  calve next  year  will be Dairy
          replacements for the  milking  herd  which provides
          the milk  for Allen  Valley  Milk Vending  Machines.
          The nearest  vending machine  is  at  Winterborne

          The shop has  changed  hands.  We will miss the
          Moorse  Family.  Thirty five  years  is  a  long time and
          running a village shop is a full on business.  We must
          continue  to support the new shop and  the  visiting
          vans.  The Pandemic has  shown  us how vital local
          businesses  are.  Remember  dogs  like to go  to  the
          shops for a walk as well.
          The pubs  re-open  next  week!!!!!  The  Spring  Bank

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