Page 71 - br-june-2021
P. 71

June 2021
       So how do our organic beef boxes work?
       You buy a 7kg share of  our  organic beef.  If  one share is too much  you can
       always team up with neighbours or friends and share that way as well.
       We give you a date for collection – for the next cow share it will be 9th July 2021 –
       which hopefully gives you plenty of time to make room in your freezer.
       In  the  meantime,  your  cow  is  taken  to a small independent abattoir  where  it is
       hung for 28 days to develop its premium taste and texture, and then butchered,
       vacuum packed in portion sizes and labelled. Your share will neatly fill one freezer
       We   will send  you  your collection slot  in  plenty  of  time to  help  you get
       organised.  This will be from a central Dorchester location.

       Your share will include 7kg of beef
       in the following cuts which is ideal      Sirloin/ribeye steaks
       for a family of 2-4:
                                                     Roasting joint
       Splitting a cow into more than 20       Rump/Skirt/minute steaks
       shares isn’t an exact science. We
       won’t know  exactly  how  many/            Slow roasting joint
       much of each cut you will get but         Diced stewing steak
       you   will  get  an  amount  of
       everything to ensure zero waste                  Mince
       and  the highest  quality of  return           Burgers x 4
       for you.
       The cost of a 7kg organic beef box is £95.  That is 56 servings of meat which works
       out at  only  £1.70  per  portion!  5% of every  share sold  will be donated  to a local
       charity  or  community organisation whose  remit  is  to improve  access to healthy
       If you would like any of the extras – tongue, oxtail, kidneys, liver, marrow bones –
       please let me know when you are ordering as these are all very popular.  We also
       have a limited amount of fillet steak for sale for £22 for a 420-450g portion which
       we can pop in your box for you.
       If you would like to place an order or if you would like to be added to our mailing
       list for news of when our next cow share will be ready, please contact Catherine
       on 07943816341 or at
       Thank you very much for your support.

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