Page 73 - br-june-2021
P. 73

June 2021
       of  food  to be  sent  across to the food  bank  in  Bere Regis where  they  have  been
       able to offer support to several families through this very challenging year.
       The hall was  also a central point  for people to
       collect  fabric and  threads as  many in our
       community  set  about embroidering a picture  of
       life in lockdown.  The  finished  article will in due
       course be on permanent  display  in the hall as  a
       reminder  of this  time in  our  history.  Jenny’s jams
       have also  been  able to be on display  raising
       funds some of which    have  been donated
       towards the new dishwasher the hall needed and
       is currently  raising  money  to support the  Joseph
       Weld Hospice. Allan Smith’s honey has also been
       available with its monies raised being donated to
       the hall funds.
       The trustees managed to secure the government grant of £10,000 which enabled
       us to continue to cover our  ongoing  overheads  without dipping into  reserves
       which are primarily set aside for the upkeep of our thatched roof.
       The money from the grants is all but gone now and so we hope soon to be able to
       start to welcome back our regular hirers and start to see things get back to normal,
       whatever that may look like going forward.
       I  would  like  to thank all  of  my trustees  for  being  open to things  being done
       differently during this time and to each and every volunteer who has stepped up
       to enable the hall to offer the services it has, you have all been amazing.
       We  couldn’t  hold  our  annual Burns Night  or New Year’s Eve celebrations.  The
       Christmas Fayre had  to be  reinvented  as  an event  over  most  of  December
       providing  stalls for  those  who would  have  attended  the  fair  that  people  could
       make purchases  from  at  leisure  thereby  reducing  the risk  of  gathering large
       numbers of people for a short period of time.
                                                   The hall was  also used  as  a
                                                   vaccination centre as the  Bere
                                                   Regis   surgery  trialed  flu
                                                   vaccinations in  the community,
                                                   a very successful  event that  I
                                                   believe they intend repeating in
                                                   the future.

                                                   The village hall café  was also
                                                   able  to  put  on  a  socially
                                                   distanced   Christmas  lunch,
                                                   sponsored by  the village shop.
                                                   The sponsorship enabled  us to
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