Page 77 - br-june-2021
P. 77

June 2021

       Having  considered  the  regulations
       which come into effect from the 17
       May the Community Group feel that
       we would  be  unable  to resume our
       pre-Covid  activities in  the  way  we
       would   wish.  However  we  have
       assured  the Village  Hall Committee
       that  as  soon as the regulations  and
       conditions allow,  we  are very  much
       looking forward  to resuming our
       former  activities  including  the
       Saturday morning Coffee Shop on a
       regular basis in the Village Hall.
       Our  group was formed  to  support
       the Village Hall funds and  to provide a social  hub for the residents of  our
       community.  We have,  until  Covid  struck,  achieved  these objectives and  wish  to
       continue  in the  same manner,  and  hope to  be able  to re-open  the Saturday
       Coffee Shop towards the end of June, regulations permitting.
       We  have all missed  the Saturday  Coffee  Shop with its lively  chatter and  banter,
       meeting our friends from other villages, the visiting cyclists, or passers-by that call
       in by chance. There will be new friends to make and old acquaintances to catch
       up with, stories to tell and jokes to enjoy. We are looking forward to seeing you all
       again  soon and  there will be coffee,  tea,  a fabulous selection  of  cakes  and,  of
       course, bacon rolls awaiting you.

       In between lockdowns the Book-Let has managed to operate on a DIY basis, but
       with  a  somewhat  limited  range  of  books.  However now  back  to  its original  2 -
       Saturday-in-the-month  slot,  things  are  looking  up and  there is a good  selection
       ‘new’ books to choose from. All welcome, anytime between 10am and 12 noon
       in Briantspuddle Village Hall. Just 25p for each book borrowed, the money raised
       goes to the Village Hall.
                             Angie Talbot, Chairman Briantspuddle Community Group

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