Page 66 - br-june-2021
P. 66

June 2021

         DOG BLOG

         DOG TIRED

         I  think  things may  be getting back  to normal,  my  owner  has  started  listening to
         ‘the  Archers,’ again after avoiding  the programme,  for over a year  during the
         pandemic.  The script writing still has its faults and the characters are irritating but
         at least I know that nothing is going to happen when that music starts, she will not
         even answer the phone.  Stupid really she can always listen to it later on catch up.

                                                       This item  will be published  in
                                                       June and  if the  Government
                                                       Road Map still holds good we
                                                       should  soon see  the end  of
                                                       personal restrictions.  There
                                                       are  still  worries about the
                                                       India  third  wave  infection
                                                       and  its mutants.  The news
                                                       from  there is  horrifying.  My
                                                       owner  has  had  a cold  and
                                                       took a lateral flow test before
                                                       going to work.  I watched her
                                                       do it poking the  swab down
                                                       her throat until she  gagged
         and then up her nose.  It looked really unpleasant.  After that the test was really
         simple to do.  I  am  pleased  to  say  thirty  minutes later  the result  was a clear
         negative.  The downside of that meant she could still go to work.  I was left on my
         own again.
         My owner has had her second vaccination.  Humans will be able to entertain at
         home next week and go to eat inside pubs and restaurants.  I know my owner is
         looking  forward  to  going to  the  pub for  a Sunday  Roast  and  for  an Indian  meal.
         We have had a few windy chilly outside meals including a cream tea at the Past
         and  Present  tea rooms in  the  Old  School  House at  East Lulworth.  There  was
         another excellent breakfast at Clavell’s restaurant in Kimmeridge.  A good place
         to visit on the way back is Steeple church.  This church is an oasis of tranquility in
         the rolling Purbeck country side.  Inside you will find an ancient old church organ
         and heraldry links to American History.  She also went for a walk in torrential rain at
         the RSPB nature reserve at Arne.  I was left at home.
         My  owner  is a volunteer driver for  the neighbourhood  car  drivers  scheme.  She
         took a client to Dorchester Hospital and  while we were waiting took me up on the
         ramparts of Maiden Castle.  The views of Dorchester and Poundbury are stunning
         from up there.  NeighbourCar is a great way to get out of the village, enjoy local
         towns, cafes and  unusual  shops.  There is usually  some time to spend  to go

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