Page 63 - br-june-2021
P. 63

June 2021

       When there’s music in your
       heart                                 The day seems much brighter
                                             Your heart feels much lighter
       When there’s music in your heart      And you walk along with a smile.
       Then life flows along with a merry    The birds seem more willing
       swing                                 To start up their trilling
       Every day is like a day in spring     And everything is worthwhile.
       When there’s music in your heart.
                                             When there’s music in your heart
       When you have a song to sing          Then everything in life is fun
       Then the sky seems bright and blue    And you feel friends with everyone
       above                                 When there’s music in your heart.
       Everybody seems to be in love
       When you have a song to sing.                           Eileen Richardson

       100 Not out

                                            Though I’m not really much of a
       Today I have made it a century
       And I’m pleased, it’s not a bad score.
                                            I’ve tried to hit hard in my innings
       Now the burning question I’m asking
                                            But I’m usually on the losing side
       ‘Is that it or will there be more?’
                                            Must be great on the side that’s
       I made up my mind at the beginning
       To play well in the tradition of cricket   I hope you’ll excuse my humour
       Though the game has not always       That it’s all merely words and puns
       been easy
                                            The fact is my hundred is different
       Sometimes it’s been a difficult wicket.
                                            It’s poems I’ve written - Not runs!

       Often I’ve played as a fielder
                                                               Eileen Richardson
       I’ve had a blunder, dropped a catch
       Then tried to make amends for my
       Only to find – we’ve just lost the

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