Page 58 - br-june-2021
P. 58

June 2021

          I awoke early and took our usual cup of tea back to bed. Diana was as excited
          as I was and really looking forward to my “moment to shine!” when the telephone
          rang.  It  was Samantha saying our Evie who had  been poorly  overnight was  in
          hospital and they wouldn’t be able to make the long trip down the M5 to be with
          us.  Evie was  to recover from  her  chest infection over the  next  few days but we
          were very sad for them not be there with us.
          Diana and  I  have been  married  47  years and  she  has always been a great
          support to me in my  swimming activities  whether  it has  been my  long distance
          swimming,  my  involvement with Bere Regis  Swimming Club,  East  Dorset Open
          Water Club or the period when I was heavily involved in water polo in the county.
          She has been a real brick over the years and I am sorry to say that I don’t tell her
          often enough.
          The forecast  was  horrendous but  what  do  these  weathermen know? Well yes
          quite a lot really! During the early morning the clear blue sky turned into a misty
          grey.  The  bank  of heavy  rain rapidly  approached  from  the west and  the first
          drops fell at around 11 am. This would get steadily heavier as the day progressed.
          as the heavens opened its floodgates.
          We  set  off  for Bridport  and  travelled  along the  A35  through Winterborne  Abbas.
          The road had just been reopened after a three day closure through flooding. With
          all this additional rain it would be soon closed again causing traffic chaos through
          a lot of West Dorset.
          Diana dropped me off at the St Mary’s School collection point where I was to be
          met and briefed on the day’s events. Britney and Henry introduced themselves to
          the eight  torchbearers who were to run through  Burton Bradstock,  Abbotsbury
          and Portesham. These were truly inspiring people who had done a lot of work in
          their local communities. I was to share the Abbotsbury leg with young Fabian (15)
          who was nominated by his brother for being on the local youth club committee
          and  his  love  of  boxing and  football.  Also Margaret  who  had  done  a lot  of
          fundraising for cancer research in her local community.

                                                       We  were there for over an
                                                       hour,  a time to chat  and  tell

                                                       each  other a little  about
                                                       ourselves.  Everyone  had  a
                                                       different tale to tell and it was
                                                       clear that all of us led full and
                                                       interesting lives. Britney called
                                                       us together for  the briefing
                                                       and  we  were each  asked  to
                                                       tell our story. This ranged from
                                                       working for charities to having
                                                       an  active  involvement  in
                                                       grass roots sport.

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