Page 62 - br-june-2021
P. 62

June 2021

                                             The police  runners  escorting me on my

                                             run  were wonderful.  “You’re  doing  great
                                             Bob,  keep it  up” said  one  as  I  ran the
                                             whole  way  very  slowly  to  milk  the
                                             moment! As we got to the finish, the little
                                             Davey lamp which   was to carry  the
                                             flame between the villages was brought
                                             out of  the  bus for  me  to  light  with  my
                                             torch.  However,  even with  assistance,  I
                                             was  unable  to light  it  because  of  the
                                             driving  rain.  A  decision was  made to
                                             retreat  to  the  shelter  of  the bus where  I
                                             was then able to ignite it for its journey to
                                             the next village of Portesham.
                                             My moment had come and gone but the
                                             memories will linger  for ever.  My fellow
                                             torchbearers were there to greet  me
                                             back on the bus. After picking up the last
                                             two runners at  Portesham, we headed
                                             back  to Bridport  whilst the  torch  gas
                                             cylinders  were  being decommissioned.
                                             We were handed our own torches (each
          of the 8,000 torches is unique) as we disembarked the bus.

          Diana  was there  to greet me and  we shared  some of  our  experiences  as she
          drove  me back  to  Abbotsbury  through thick fog  and  rain for  the family  party in
          the Ilchester Arms. What a greeting we had and there was again warm applause
          and  I  was  very  touched  to  receive a bottle of  champagne from  Gina and  the
          East Dorset Open Water Swimming Club. Pretty well everyone in the pub wanted
          their picture taken with me and the torch, a superb way to end an amazing day.
          Like most volunteers involved in grassroots sport, I have spent the last 60 years of
          my life in swimming because I enjoy it and get so much from the sport. I have felt
          happy to pass on this infectious love of swimming and have made many life long
          friends who share my passion.
          What my torch bearing day showed me was how much people appreciated my
          contribution and I was representing them with any small achievement I may have
          attained over the years.
          As I looked back over the day, there was lump in my throat and I began to well
          up with the pride in being given this special honour. The torch will remain with me
          and then my family as a permanent reminder but the memories of the day will last

                                                                      Bob Holman

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