Page 64 - br-june-2021
P. 64

June 2021

          Hedgehog Hacienda
                                                  A hedgehog knows, without a

          As a grand design for hibernation,
                                                  He needs to keep the water out.
          All you need is inspiration,
                                                  Whatever else, he doesn’t need
          Plus, leftover roofing felt and tacks,   you,
          An electric drill with a hammer that    To tell him what he needs to do,
                                                  So, if he considers it doesn’t
          And if you’ve got offcuts of ply,       conform,
          There is no earthly reason why,         To what he thinks of as his norm,
          You can’t take yourself on a bit of a   The chance of him hanging
          bender,                                 around are slender,
          To construct a hedgehog hacienda.       Inside your hedgehog hacienda.

                                                        Paul J Openshaw (April 2021)

                                                   Without any sinister leanings,
          I wandered lonely as a sock,             The fickle finger of fate,
          That somehow went astray,                Has dealt a cruel blow,
          Which,  can sometimes  occur  with       For a sock, that’s lost its mate.
          When it comes to washing day.            The future is unpredictable.
          Drifting through a parallel universe,
                                                   Nothing is very clear.
          Destined for who knows where?
                                                   A positive outcome is required,
          There’s not much call for a sock,
                                                   Where can things go from here?
          When it doesn’t come as a pair.
                                                   I could put an ad in the paper.

                                                   My hopes I can hang on a peg,
          Having been recently laundered,
                                                   And go in search of a single foot,
          It’s really a bit of a sod,
                                                   At the end of a single leg.
          Even although I’m squeaky clean,

          I will always be thought of as odd.
                                                        Paul J Openshaw (April 2021)

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