Page 59 - br-june-2021
P. 59

June 2021
       The time had  come  to  get  on the bus  and  leave  for  our  first drop  off  point  at
       Burton Bradstock.  The  rain  was still coming  down  in stair  rods as  we splashed
       through the puddles towards the village. We were to park up by the roadside for
       about 10 minutes awaiting the convoy of the major sponsor’s buses which would
       lead the parade through the villages. They were to provide the razzmatazz to our
       special moment.
       There were hoots and much cheering as the procession past and we dropped off
       our first torchbearer and our bus moved off. Nothing could have prepared me for
       what  was  to follow as  the  crowds lining these  small  villages  were staggering.
       Simply everyone had  turned  out to cheer us on and  their  enthusiasm  was
       Suddenly I  felt  like a celebrity.  There was  often a roar and  applause  and  the
       crowd was in an almost raucous delighted mood. A little bit of rain was not going
       to  spoil our day  and  everyone was  there to  cheer us on! I  felt  it  showed  our
       country at its very best: the cheerfulness, the friendliness, the stoicism. I loved it!

       We  passed  through Burton Bradstock  and  on to Abbotsbury  waving  like mad  to
       the crowd. I now know how the queen feels as I waved out of the bus window,
       beaming from ear to ear. They were all here to see us torchbearers and we were
       stars for the day!

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