Page 13 - br-june-2021
P. 13

June 2021

                serves as  an example of  my Mum’s  much-valued  work  with  local
                CofE primary schools, in which, both through her visits and her work as
        a governor,  she  played  a much  loved,  valued  and  integral role  in  the  ethos
        and  life of  the  school.  She  reached  out to  other  members  of the community
        through initiatives such  as  lunch clubs  and  staycations (country/city based
        experiences),  which  are  still talked  about today.  She encouraged  and
        facilitated  collaboration  between  the  different churches in  the  area to  serve
        the community.  My  Mum  extended  worship beyond  the  church through
        services held in the community; such as holding harvest festival in a local barn,
        and  numerous services in  the D’Uberville  Hall.  She  also organised  a very
        enjoyable and  successful  village fete  on  the glorious  August  bank holiday
        weekend  of  2019,  which  included,  family,  friends,  the church  family and  of
        course, the local community. The outcome of my Mum’s hard work and effort
        was  the building of  a community-focused  church in  which  all were,  and
        importantly felt, welcome.
        My Mum was an inspiration. From a young age she had shown that she was not
        prepared to be defined by societal expectations, and this was a principle that
        guided  her  through  the  rest of  her  life.  I  have  followed  in  her  footsteps  as  a
        teacher, I hope with a passion and dedication similar to hers. My brother cares
        for his Son Harry in the same loving way that my Mum cared for us. She led by
        example through her commitment and dedication. It would be fair to say that
        my Mum didn’t  do half  measures,  whether  it  be faith,  friends,  family…or  gin.
        She would get up at 4am when completing her training as a priest. In 2010, she
        set herself on a health and fitness path that resulted in her losing almost 4 stone
        in weight and getting on top of her diabetes.

        My Mum was also inspirational through her ministry. Many have commented on
        the wonderful and  inspiring  services  she  delivered,  especially  personally
        significant  occasions  such  as marriages,  christenings  and  funerals.  She
        considered the last of these to be a particular privilege to deliver. My brother
        and I are amongst those fortunate enough to have had my Mum officiate their
        wedding,  and  she  performed  Harry’s  christening,  my  grandparent’s  golden
        wedding anniversary, and the funeral of her father-in-
        law  and  grandmother.  My  Mum  was  a wonderful
        signer, and used her talent and passion to reinvigorate
        the choirs at  her  last  two churches.  She  inspired,
        encouraged and was prepared to challenge others to
        pursue  their  faith and  opportunities in  the church,
        whether  directly  on a personal level or through faith-
        based  courses.  A  good  friend  of  my Mum’s said  that
        simply  being  in her  presence was enough to inspire

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