Page 12 - br-june-2021
P. 12

June 2021


                    themselves so much they felt like children again at times, to being
                    a great  organiser  of  games evenings.  Her friends  will miss her
           enormously; they loved her and she them.

           My  Mum  was  an outstanding teacher.  She  used  her  strong educational
           background (she had 3 degrees by 2010) and passion for Theology to inspire
           her students and achieve excellent outcomes for them. This went beyond the
           classroom;  she  delivered  A  Level classes to  adults after school,  lectures to
           students  from  across the  schools  in the  local area (one of  which  I  was  lucky
           enough to attend)  and  produced  articles for educational publications.  Her
           caring and nurturing qualities meant that she also excelled in a pastoral role
           as Head of Year. It is however worth noting that my Mum’s teaching career
           may  have taken  a different  path had  she  succeeded,  when she was  a
           student  at  Parkstone Grammar  (where she had  spent  most  of  her career)
           some years before, in selling the School by putting up a ‘for sale’ sign outside
           along with two  friends.  Fortunately,  despite a couple  of  good  offers,  their
           efforts were not successful.
           My  Mum  was  also  an excellent priest.  When  Antony became  Archdeacon
           and  recommended  my  Mum  to Wool he  told  the parish reps  that  he rated
           her in the top ten of  priests  in the  Diocese-a claim  for which  he  was soon
           vindicated. Far be it from me to disagree with the Archdeacon Antony, but in
           my (far from impartial opinion)…she was the top 10!
           My Mum’s faith was central and integral to her identity as an individual, and it
           was  in  fulfilling this  role,  her  calling,  that  many  of  her greatest  personal
           qualities shone through:
           My Mum was innovative and forward-thinking. In her own words, she believed
           in going beyond a ‘this is how we’ve always done it approach’ to becoming
           mission and community focused. Some members of the church family at Holy
           Rood describe my Mum as a “breath of fresh air” and “a burst of energy and
           sunshine”  when  she  arrived,  who challenged  others  to look at  church  in a
           new  and  exciting way.  She  believed  in  a “Church without walls”;  not
           constrained  by  physical  or social boundaries,  that
           served its community and was brought to the people.
           She lead  and  inspired  others to follow.  One  member
           of  the  church family summed  it  up  very  well:  -“she
           seemed  to  have an idea,  voice  it  and  it  happened.
           Others followed.”  My Mum revitalised the work of the
           church with young people; introducing initiatives such
           as  Messy Church,  and  Open  the  Book.  The latter

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