Page 8 - br-june-2021
P. 8

June 2021

         Vista.  At least they don’t come to the church.  You should always go to Sunday
         School because it makes God happy, and if there’s anybody you want to make
         happy, it’s God.  Don’t skip Sunday School to do something you think will be more
         fun, like going to the beach.  That is wrong. And besides the sun doesn’t come out
         till noon at the beach anyway.

         If you don’t  believe  in  God,  besides being  an atheist,  you will be  very lonely
         because your parents can’t go everywhere with you, like to camp, but God can.
         It’s good to know He’s around when you’re scared of the dark or when you can’t
         swim very good and you get thrown in real deep water by the big kids.  But you
         shouldn’t always just think of what God can do for you.  I figure God put me here
         and He can take me back any time He pleases.

         Danny’s thoughts are amusing,  yet his  last  comment  about feeling lonely if  we
         don’t  believe  in  God  is perhaps more true than  any  of  us  realise.  After  all the
         long days of lockdown and restrictions, the rules have finally been eased.  Many
         people have  felt  cut  off  from  others during that  time,  and  knowing that  God  is
         there, caring for us and waiting for us to talk to Him has made a huge difference.
         God is more ready to hear us than we are to talk to Him, and He has said  “I will
         never leave you or forsake you.”  Psalm 23, which many people are familiar with,
         says “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be want.”  The whole Psalm is about how
         God  is with  us in  every situation,  the good  times  and the bad.  So  whatever  is
         happening in  your  life at  this time,  God  is always there.  He is  the One  who will
         never leave you, and He always keeps His promises!   What a comforting thought,
         to encourage us through the coming days.

         Just a Smile

         Wayside Warning
         Motorists  driving carefully  enough to notice  it,  can afford  to smile  at  a sign that
         stands beside the road leading to a small town in Manitoba, Canada.
         “Welcome , speeders!  We’re policed to meet you!’

         When my nephew was    married  all went  well until  he knelt  at  the  altar.  Then
         everyone could  see  that  some wicked  person had  written on the sole of  his left
         shoe ‘HELP’ and on the sole of his right shoe ‘ME’.!
                                                                                                        Joyce Healey

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