Page 15 - br-june-2021
P. 15

June 2021

                future, Jesus brought comfort to those he loved by telling them of his
                own plans.  To go and prepare a place for them, where they would
        be with him forever.  A place with infinite space and welcome, as a house or
        mansion with many rooms or dwelling places.   Our God is a God of love and a
        God  of  provision,  and  when Thomas,  that  great  doubter  of  the faith,  sought
        clarification from Jesus ’Lord, we do not know where you are going, how can
        we know  the way?’ Jesus continued  to  give  reassurance,  ’I  am  the way,  the
        truth and the life.’
        That  was the call upon Carol’s life,  and  which  led  her  ministry,  trusting in  the
        Lord of the way, the truth and the life.  The love of God shone out of her, in her
        interaction  with others,  her  willingness  to go  where God  was  calling her  to
        serve,  and  all that  she shared  in,  her  preaching,  teaching,  outreach  and
        pastoral care.
         And in that Carol, in turn led others to Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life.  It
        was a joy to share with her in confirmation services, the interaction with families
        at Holy Angels, and in the commissioning of lay ministries in the benefice here,
        something which will be a joy to do again on Sunday evening.
         Carol will have preached herself on this passage on many occasions however
        for our reading today we have added verse 27.
        A verse about peace.
        ‘Peace,  I  leave with  you;  my peace I  give  you.  I  do  not  give  to you  as the
        world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.’
        Carol was  a person of  love,  but also  very much a person of  peace.  I  am
        aware that it has been difficult these last few months, for all of you who have
        been  alongside  her  in  her suffering,  hoping and  praying  that  she would  know
        God’s true peace.
         There was a peace about Carol’s ministry, which she carried with her, rooted
        and grounded in a strong faith in Jesus Christ, which meant that even though
        things  may  have been  stressful  or challenging,  she
        would  never  let  that  get  in  the  way  of  her
        responsibilities  and  care for others.  People always
        came away from spending time with her with a sense
        of peace whenever they needed reassurance, help or
        comfort.   And those of us who engage in it day after
        day,  know that ministry  is not  always easy,  and  the
        challenges of  people  of  places can  be immense.
        Carol knew  this,  always sought Counsel about  it and

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