Page 16 - br-june-2021
P. 16

June 2021


                  was  determined  to  resource  herself  in the right  way  so  she could
                  primarily support others.  Many would say she worked too hard, but it
          was Carol’s nature to get things right, to keep going, to serve generously and
           It  was  that deep and  determined  faith which  I  feel sustained  her  these last
          months, as Carol did her best to engage with her congregations for worship via
          zoom,  as  she  coped  with her  prognosis,  and  enjoyed  her family and  friends
          around her.
           And  by  adding that  extra verse,  perhaps  Carol is  wanting  to leave  us a
          message too.  Times like this  can leave us troubled  and  afraid,  as we  think
          about a future without someone we love, and it may be as if she is wanting to
          speak through  these  words of  Christ  to us.  ‘Do not  let  your heart be  troubled
          and do not be afraid.’
           Finally, Carol was also a person of hope.  In dying just after Easter, her favourite
          season of  the  Church’s  year we are  reminded  of  her  life,  which not  only  was
          demonstrated  by  love and  peace,  but also was  held  together by  a deep
          hope,  which  she  too passed  on to  others through her  determination to  reach
          out to those outside the church, through her generosity of time and her faith in
          the resurrection of Jesus Christ.   The first reading Carol chose for today is that
          great verse of hope which shines through all the gospels:

          God  so  loved  the world  that  he gave his only  Son ,  so  that  everyone who
          believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
           As well as giving thanks for Carol today we are committing her to God’s safe
          keeping,  where there is no longer pain or suffering and only eternal light and
          peace.  A hope she had in Jesus and a hope she had for all of us too.  God not
          only promises to stand alongside all who mourn offering strength and comfort
          but as Christ conquered death by rising from the dead he opened the way to
          eternal life for all of us.
           As we reflect today on Carol’s life and ministry of love,
          peace  and  hope,  and  give thanks for  her,  by
          choosing these readings I am sure Carol wants us too
          to  commit ourselves  to  seeing  that  her love,  peace
          and  hope live on in our lives and  the life of  the local
          church. And, most importantly, I am sure she wants us
          all to experience for ourselves God’s love, peace and
          hope too not only at this time of loss but in the months
          and years to come.                     Amen

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