Page 14 - br-june-2021
P. 14

June 2021


                  My Mum was caring, loving and focused on the needs of other. She
                  helped many in a similar position to my family and I. Her words at the
          end  of today’s service  sheet,  to let her  go  and  go on to  have happy  and
          fulfilled  lives,  are typical  of  her unselfish  nature,  but they  will  be hard  to fulfil
          given the significant loss that her passing represents to us all.
          My Mum was not afraid of dying. In the words of two of her friends: “She knew,
          without  a shadow  of  a doubt,  that  she  would  be going to heaven and  living
          there free from suffering. She did not seem resentful that she has been taken so
          young and far too soon.”

          My  Mum  led  a happy life,  always with  a smile  on  her  face,  and  I  believe
          enjoyed more happiness and touched more lives than many could hope to in
          a lifetime.  I  am  a firm  believer  that  one  of the ways in  which  we  live on  is
          through the imprint we leave, through our deeds and actions, and the lives we
          touch.  If  that  is  the case,  then we  can take comfort  that  my  Mum  is not  only
          with us here today, but will stay with us for the days to come.
          Thank you for listening

          Address by the Rt Revd Karen Gorham, Bishop of
          We gather here today to give thanks for a very special person.  We all come
          with our special memories of Carol, as a wife, mother, grandmother, friend and
          priest.  We  have  already  heard  something  about  Carol’s life,  which has been
          rich,  and  much reflective of  her  faith,  which was kindled  at  St  Hubert’s,  Corfe
          Mullen nearly  40  years ago  and  sustained  through a theology degree,
          teaching RE and a change of vocation through ordination and years of service
          at St Peter’s, Holy Angels and here in West Purbeck.
           When she died  Carol left a legacy of  love.  We have fond  memories  in  our
          hearts of someone who loved life to the full, someone
          for  whom  family  was  always a special place,  and
          someone who  fought  bravely the illness which  has  so
          tragically  taken her  away  from  those  who loved  her,
          all too soon.
           I  believe she  also left a message of  love with the
          readings  chosen for today’s service.  Our  second
          reading is a well known one for funerals, reminding us
          that  when the  disciples were  perplexed  about  the

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